Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life is amazing.

I am feeling a lot better about myself, which is awesome. I used to see the world in the darkest shade possible. Now I always look for where the brightest color is, the best thing. I am doing very, very good and I realized who I want to be in life. I want to be the person who talks to people when they're sad, when they're lonely. I am going to talk to total strangers in an attempt to feel good about their life, their friends, their grades, their family, and themselves. Everything I used to feel bad about. I came to the realization that I do have an amazing family and friends and just an amazing life in general, and I think I truly opened my eyes for the first time. I only have one thing that still stresses me out and drags me lower. My mom. She mostly yells at me, and she hardly ever congradulates me. Whatever I am currently doing always seems to be the wrong thing. I think that is all I wish to speak of the subject, and now I shall post my Seedfolks analysis, because I don't think I ever gave that to Mr. T. Here it is.

Seedfolks Analysis
Dylan (El Coolio) Waters

            Seedfolks is a short novel that is just 70 pages. I read it twice, just to get a good feel for the book. It isn’t the most heartfelt or incredible story, but I did very much enjoy the way the story is told. The story is really just several people giving their view of what’s going on, but that is the strange element that adds a lot of flavor to the book. A lot of books are told in just one voice, but this one had 13 unique voices from all sorts of different cultures. A Hispanic man, an American old woman, a Vietnamese teenager are all voices in the story. The story unites them in a strange way.
            The garden in the story is a metaphor for the growing and connecting that both the plants and the people have. One person may assist another (even if they do not speak the same language) in building a walkway in their garden, much like how a marigold assists a potato by protecting it. Somehow. I read about that on a website. I guess that’s sort of like symbolization.
            The garden is like a whole world. All sorts of different people stake out their section of the garden for themselves in a want for their garden to be the most flourished. Although sections of the garden fight and defend against other people, they also trade and help each other, simply for the good of survival. Much like the world. In the world we war and kill each other. However, we also protect and help other nations and people when they are in need. I’m not sure if this the right answer, or even there is a right answer in the symbolization of Seedfolks. This is just what I believe.
            The garden fosters great friendships and trust in one another, which is something more than just seeds that sprout up and develop into the greatest of fruits. In the beginning, no one trusts each other. Ana says, “I never had children of my own, but I’ve seen enough in that lot to know she was mixed up in something she shouldn’t be.”
By the end of the story, Nora says, “The small dry space forced us together. In fifteen minutes we’d met all of them and soon knew the whole band of regulars.”
I think the theme in the end is that we can all do good for each other. We can all help out in ever way we can, and we always try to positively affect the whole world. I enjoyed Seedfolks. What amazed me is that such a short book can impact someone so greatly.
I would also like to thank Mr. Thompson for his story, which also has positively impacted my life. Thank you, and I'll see this blog one last time (at least for the school year) next week.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

If this is what a hangover is like, I will never drink.

I went to a party yesterday, and it wasn't that cool. Well, it was ok. We played beer pong, but with Mountain Dew, and by half-way through the first round, we ran out of that, so we used Coke. By the second rounds, we ran out of that, so we used Rockstar. I won my first match, 7-3, but I lost my second match, 5-7. It went on to go to a third and 4th round, and I can't even remember who had won. We boxed for a little bit, and now my jaw hurts. I made a kid's nose bleed, but he said he gets them all the time and that it was all good. We wandered around the neighborhood because one punk got lost on his way there, and we went to find him. I had had quite a bit of caffeine, and puked on somebody's lawn. Oops. We finally found him, and then we had to walk back up to the house. The main thing was, by the end, most people realized how much I sucked, called me some mean names, and eventually just left me sitting there. My sister called and my Pa came and got me. Today, my eyes are sore, my jaws ache, my stomach hurts, I have a really weird headache, my rib is in pain, and I feel like crap. I guess that's what a party is. I don't want to go to school tomorrow because I know I'll see everyone who was a jerk, they'll make fun of me some more, and I'll have to use some abusive language to attempt to make myself feel better. Which leads me once again realizing that I regret 80 percent of my decisions in life, and I wish I could just forget that there was a Saturday.

Moving on, we should talk of kudos. No one got any. Way to offend me, jerks. The new way to get 2 kudos this week is to vote on the little movie poll in the corner and leave your name on this post's comment section. 1 kudo for commenting. 3 kudos for sharing your story of a party. The big 5 kudo winner this week is to guess the SECRET WORD. You get a hint. It has something to do with a movie that came out recently. If any of you go see a certain movie of which I am referring to, you get 4 kudos.

I only have 600 words left from here to the end of the year, and I guess the loner corner is sort of packing up in a way. Tomorrow it will be remembering all of the good and bad times, Tuesday, putting all of its relics into boxes. Wednesday, not worrying about anything. Thursday, packing up its writings. Friday it will be looking ahead, putting its boxes into a moving truck. Saturday it will drive East, and won't stop until it runs out of energy. On Sunday, It will write one last thing, and place it into its box of memories. So goodbye all (meaning no one), and I shall see you once more.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

And, once again, it's ten thirty

It's late once again, but by now that's expected. I just finished watching SNL (Hooray, OnDemand!) and now I'm just trying to think of something interesting enough to write about for 500 words. I honestly never have any thing going on in my life that's worth mentioning. So I'll talk about everything I did over the weekend. If you make it to the bottom of the page, leave a comment and I'll give you 4 kudos. Which is my new system for rewarding anyone (At least seven people) who read this blog. Every week, I'll give some way to gain 1-5 kudos, and whoever has the most in 3 weeks, which means the end of the year, wins a prize. Which means me hunting you down and giving you something I got out of a vending machine. Also, if you do get the kudos from all 3 weeks, I'll give you a bonus kudo! If you are the first commenter, you get a bonus kudo! So many ways to win kudos! If you compliment my crapfully drawn artwork, You get 2 kudos. If you sarcastically comment on it, you get 1 kudo. Should have been nicer to me. If you e-mail me a picture of anything @, you get 3 kudos. If your drawing is a superhero or a guy holding a sword or other medieval implement, you get a bonus kudo. The first 5 commenters on this post get 1d6 (1 six sided die) bonus kudos. If anyone gets 1 kudo, I'll be impressed. Now for the big winner. Anyone who draws an epic gargoyle, signs their name, writes gargoyle Moe somewhere on it, and says, "It's OK to put this on your blog." You get 5 kudos and you'll be my hero. And my only friend. Just kidding. Second. It's been 20 minutes, and I'm still not done? I gotta speed this up! I have a discussion board post to do!

This weekend, which is what I was gonna talk about anyway, was really boring. On Friday (gotta get down on Friday), I went home, called my friends and said let's see a movie, or hang out, or go buy a Monster, or anything but they didn't want to. On Sat. I called them up again after having to go on a really lame trip to Snowbasin to fix owl boxes. I still can't feel two of my toes. Have you looked up there? It's still all snowy, but my parents were all like, "Nah! It's fine!" It was warm, but not on my feet. My friends still didn't want to hang. So on Sunday, which is a fine day for me to hang out. No churchy religious stuff means an extra day off. Especially from creepers like anyone who works at a church. Unless. Unless it's for Cthulhu or the Onion God. Or for Big Balthazar. All of those are cults. So I'm not sure you can count those. At the chime, the current time is eleven o' clocko' thank you. *Ching/noise that a chime should make*
That's all for tonight. Good night nobody!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Everyone and me

I thought that sounded like a cool title of a song. I guess. As this year is coming to a close, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Too much thinking, probably. I like thinking, just staring and thinking about what you need to do next and what's wrong with the world. I like thinking about anything and everything. I think about death, life, wars, peace, anything really. I think I get it from my mom. We went shopping for some new clothes and she told me, "I wasn't fun to go to places with." Which I guess is why no one ever talks to me or asks me to go anywhere fun. But whatever, I deal with it. I guess I get sad at times, and write "school inappropriate" blog posts, but that's not my fault. No wait, that is. I wish I had some mental disease to blame all of my weird problems on. Mom says I can start taking medication to handle stress and my low self confidence, and I think I'll hit up on that offer. I'm also going to take the adult content warning off. That was stupid. All of my ideas are really. I feel like life is just like sleep, except in my dreams the world is always black and white. Except blood. That stays red in my dreams. Why? Because I always die in my dreams. My dreams, not nightmares. My nightmares are when I wake up and realize I have to do things. I don't mind doing things, I'm just scared of what happens in life in general. I like to stare at a white wall until it turns into imagination. Turns into imagination and anything and anyone can go there and I create entire worlds which I explore and create and just have fun in. It lets me go. The hardest part about blog posts is the white on the sides as I write them. It's just begging me to go in, and often, I do. Anyway, in my dreams they're always black and white and red. Here is an example of every one's common dream. You're falling off a cliff, but here's how mine's different. I'm bleeding out of every orifice. And every scab I pick at on my body. I never see out my eyes I always follow along the back of me, like my soul doesn't want my body. Then I see trees come into view. They are big black pines, but oozing bright blood out. I see a hole, where I am going to fall into, filling with buckets of blood. Then I see some demonic creature that only my mind can come up with. Their eyes are swollen shut and dripping. Their mouths are dripping blood down their chin. random boils explode with pus, which is in black and white. Along with blood. Nothing is to scale. I land in the hole, struggle to escape but now I seem to be bound at my wrists. I sink below the blood and watch myself drown. When I die, the world slowly turns all black and fades out, like a movie. Then I awake. All this happens in just 10 seconds. But yet it has been 8 hours. Is this school appropriate?

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Extreme Adventures of an Extreme Nerd. ( the unfound-re-discovered post, which shall not count as my blog this week. Apparently I skipped one in Feb. This is a big title indeed.

As you (meaning no-one,) all know, I am a pretty big nerd. But this will truly top your thoughts of me as you will never expect. You have read my high-action (or lack thereof,) story that I have written, and I have told you of D&D, speaking of the &, the ampersand is my favorite symbol in the entire english language. I have spoke about grammar, of role-playing games, of sports which I hate. Yet I am still missing one piece of my Nerd Landia. And that piece is... Science! I am in the hardest science class that I can currently take. Most people do not like my teacher, but I thoroughly enjoy it. Is that how you spell thoroughly? I am not sure. Anyhow now I will give you my short speech about time travel which is very annoying and hard to think about. Which is why I don't like to think about time travel. Well here goes!
If you did indeed, travel back in time to fix a mistake which you have made, then you will not have needed to ever have traveled back into time.However, then you would not have travelled back in to time, which would mean you would still have that problem, meaning that you would have had to have travelled back in time, which you now wouldn't have to travel back in time for. As you can see, this ends in an endless loop. Therefore, I have concluded three possibilities: A. Time travel is impossible. B. Time travel would suck you into an extra-dimensional loop where you would be forced to do the same thing over and over again for eternity. C. Travel could only make you re-live moments of your past. It wouldn't let you alter it it any way. This is my theory of time travel.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

6 votes?

My little poll about movies has sat down on that side of the page for a very long time. It started out with one vote from me on Netflix. Then I assumed Mr. T put one vote on I'd rather read. Then I assumed Mr. T used another vote from a different computer on I'd rather read. But now there's 6 stinking votes! 2 on Netflix, 3 on Lunatic and 1 I'm lame. Now, I didn't know that my blog was even worth 2 votes, but man! You (whoever you are) gave me 6 whole votes. So thank you, kind readers and possible enjoyers. Also, thank you for coming to this non-adult blog even though there is a warning right before you get here. Thank for letting me insult religion and thank you for sharing my lame stories. Thank all of you for just reading 2 or 5 sentences, because even I couldn't get very much farther than that. I humbly thank you, and as a reward I shall draw you a comic.
Well if you think I'm gonna end it with that, you're wrong! I'm gonna write more of those. Also, click the image to biggy it. I still have about 200 words to go, and the time is only 10:12, so at around 10:30, I should be done! It just makes you feel tired, doesn't it. Just kidding, it's not that late. If this blog ever got current readers that kept coming every week to read something of mine, I probably wouldn't stop this blog. Also, I wrote that comic because my sister wants to see a movie where only good things happen, so I dedicated it to her. And spoiler alert! (highlight the text to see it) That monster is not mean at all. Pretty good stuff. I'm proud of all you Netflix watchers. I feel bad for the unfortunate soul that cannot afford movies. And I hope you die semi-painful but quick deaths those who voted on reading. I mean I like reading too, but if you don't have subtitles on, you don't have to! If you meant you like reading subtitles (or for some weird TV's, supertitles) then that's okay. That's all for tonight! See you next time folks!