Sunday, October 17, 2010

The really long post where I have nothing to talk about

Well, here we are. Another post. I don't know what to talk about. ROBOTS! One day robots will control the world. In fact, probably in the distant future. The YEAR 2000! Ha ha! Now I have found what to talk about. 500 words, eh? That's gonna take a while. I hope I can get it done before intervention ends. If I don't, I'll be further behind than before. One day I will put amazing pictures that will stupefy and amaze you in stupefying amazement. When I do, I will force all of you to look at them. Anyway my sister wants me to put up the story I told her the other day on my blog, so I guess I will...
Once there was a little moose. (awesome start, eh?) He was on his pogo stick, bouncing through the woods where he lived. ( It's getting exciting.) When he came upon a sad bear.
"What's wrong bear?" asked the moose.
"Well, if you must know, I have no honey for my pancake toast." whimpered the bear. (Can you tell where this is going?)
The moose went on his way up the hill until he came to a beehive. There sat the queen bee.
"Excuse me, Queen Bee, but do you have some honey." asked the moose.
"I do, of course. But I want a jug of milk."
So the moose went off to the cow. She was sitting there eating grass. (Bored yet?)
"Miss Cow, do you have any milk." asked the moose.
"Yes but I want a nice hat to wear."
So the moose set off feeling a bit bored. Up he came to a goat, eating a pair of pants. There was a large pile of laundry sitting next to him. There was a very nice hat in the pile.
"Hello Little Moose. How are you?" asked the goat.
"Fine, thank you. But I see that you are doing laundry. May I have the hat after you have washed it?" asked the moose.
"Well, you could, but I will never wash it. I get bored so I just eat all of my clothes. If you can find me something better to eat than clothes, I will give you my hat."
Little moose was looking for something better to eat than clothes when he came upon a unicorn. (My sisters idea.)
"Hello Unicorn. I am trying to find something better to eat than clothes."
"Better to eat than clothes?!" Exclaimed the Unicorn. "Why, there must be a million things better to eat than clothes. But if you're looking for something really good to eat, take this path up to Grandmothers house and ask for a nice pie. Oh, and while you're up there, could you pick up my loaf of bread?"
Little moose sighed, straining to remember all of the places he had been. He then thanked the unicorn and went up the hill. He came upon a small girl wearing a red cloak. The moose said hello and asked where she was going.
"Well, I am just going to my grandmothers house." Said the Little girl.
"Ah, I am going there too." spoke the moose.
"As am I" Spoke a snapping, snarling wolf who was right behind them.
When the group finally made it up the hill, They opened grandmothers door. Almost instantly grandmother charged out in a blind rage, weilding her cane. She beat the wolf until it whined and ran off.
"Blasted things!" Yelled Grandma "Always after my goodies."
After they all went inside moose explained what was going on. Grandmother gave him the loaf and the freshest hottest pie. Now that the moose was carrying all this he couldn't jump on his pogo stick, so he had to drag it behind him as he walked.
He came to the unicorn and gave him the bread. He came to the Goat and gave him the pie. He went to the cow and gave her the hat. He went to the queen bee and gave her the milk. he went to the bear, but he had found honey while the moose was gone. However, the bear was not rude. He told the moose to return in a few hours, when he would have something nice made for him.
Little Moose went home. when he got there there was a note. At Mr. Bears, come over. Little Moose was feeling very annoyed now, and his feet hurt. When he got to Mr. Bears, he opened the door and...
"SUPRISE!" everyone exclaimed! It was Little Mooses birthday and it was the best day ever.
The End of the story. So until next time, This is Dylan, signing off.

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