Friday, December 31, 2010

Life is weird right now

I think that it is pretty darn lame that we still have to do blog posts over the holiday break. Because I was looking forward to a full two weeks of laziness. And so, due to my laziness, I may or may not do quotes of the week. Because I found this massive sword that is awesome. You know, it is weird, the way that as I write these blog posts, I develop a better skill of writing, or as half of the people in my creative class call it, writting. Because they don't have very good writting or writing skills. I have writing and writting skills, but bragging isn't my thing. I leave that to old people. I like brag discretely, so that I don't feel like I am actually bragging.

I went to dinosaur land, and I got soooooo tired that I laid down and went to sleep. I had a very cool dream about dinosaurs.

Moving on, I am very good at procrastinating. That is why now, it is Friday, I have 2 blog posts to make up, 1 due on Sunday, and 12 huge assignments I have to do by Wednesday. I also never read my honors English books. Well, I read one of them. I read Martian Chronicles, but I never put a review on for the last book I read, so now I am also behind on that. I never did my scrapbook page for geography, and apparently that's supposed to be more than a page, I don't know where I thought that it was supposed to be just one page. I guess I just assumed we wouldn't get a huge project. So yeah, I'm probably going to fail most of my classes now. Oh, that reminds me that I still have to write my multi-genre paper. But, I don't think that this is entirely my fault. I mean, my aunt came over, so we kinda had to do things with her, and I had to go move stuff around for my mom's friend, then my grandma broke her shoulder, I have normal scheduled activities that got in the way, and I just wanted to relax during the break. But instead, I was stressed the whole time about needing to do my homework sometime, now I am stressed about if I can get it all done. So I will probably never finish and I will end up regretting ever having this break. So I am sorry. I failed.

And now, here is a typed up version of my examination of life and death, and why any of those events even occur. The only reason we live is to die. The only reason we die is because we live. The reason to live is to die without fear of dying. But why do we die without fear? The only reason we die is unknown. Perhaps finding that reason is why we live, and we die without fear then. But why should we die without fear of dying, why not with that fear? When we die, that is when we must be ready, so then we die without fear. But what of those who die with fear? If a heaven and a hell exist, is the only difference fear? Is fear the object we seek to overcome? Do we do dangerous, brave and corrupt things all in the name of overcoming fear? And is so, is that why we kill each other and other beings who are not as strong willed or as strong as us? Is the only difference will and fear? Is fear really such a powerful presence that it literally decides who lives and who dies? But fear can only live inside a creature. So without creatures, fear would die. As long as there is something living, fear has the strength to live on. If the difference between heaven and hell is in fact fear, then if we die in fear, we are damned to hell? And without fear we are exalted towards heaven? Is god merely a trick to make use die without fear, if he does so exist? Is he the true menace and horrifying creature in this story? Perhaps Satan pities the people who die with fear, who feel they did not finish their lives, and that they still have something to accomplish. So then Satan would be a friend who we could rely on, who could help us during difficult situations, and when we die with fear. Perhaps he is there to protect the people who were not ready to die, perhaps even shows them why they should be ready. He must then help them overcome their fear. Perhaps the god, only accepts those who were ready to die, and thinks poorly of those who are not? He would only accept those not needing any further reason to live. Then if that is the case, then suicide would be the most beautiful thing one could do in their lives. Then all our decisions lead to the moment we die. If, when we die, we are ready and feel completed, then dying is good, and you have succeeded at life and death. If your decisions lead to death when you are not ready, then dying is the worst, and you have failed at both life and death. Then, would it be possible to succeed at life and fail at death, or fail at life and succeed at death? I suppose we must either be greedy and selfish, or we must be light-hearted and foolish. Then still, why we need to die is unclear. Perhaps there is no afterlife, just a thing religion tells you to comfort you when you are, or are not, ready to die. Perhaps all there is is oblivion. In that case we live and we die with no real purpose. If life had no purpose there would be only madness. No hope, no suffering, just madness. Perhaps we do not realize that we live lives of madness. We just misconstrue what is really happening around us. Perhaps there is no way to open your eyes and see truly what the world has become. I suppose the dead would know, both the purpose and whether there is madness. However, perhaps only one who has died with fear, and one who has died without fear, can know why we die. And they would have two very different answers. In that case, without having this knowledge, we might as well all just die. If there is no reason without reason, there would be no need for living.

I will leave you to ponder upon that. Until next time, I am signing off.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The nerdy adventures of my life.

Today I will address the following issues with my life. In this Order.
1- An introduction (In which I remind you of your life.)
2- Quotes of the week (In which I actually use real quotes.)
3- A shopping adventure (In which I accidentally offend some mexicans.)
4- The ultimate quest (In which I attempt to find more friends.)
5- A drawing which I will draw you a pretty picture (not really.)

So welcome all to my labyrinth of lost souls. Meaning that if you got here you either tried really hard, or I simply trapped you here and forced you to read this until the rest of eternity. Any how, bookmark this page, because you will want to come back. And don't forget to read my comment from my last post. So scroll down after you finish reading this blog.

Quotes of the weekend. I mean week. Or day shine. Because Pagans call it something like that.
Tuesday:Rules and models destroy genius and art.
Henry Miller
Wednesday:If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
George Santayana
Thursday:Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.
Edgar Cayce
Friday:Friendship is one mind in two bodies.
Toni Morrison
Saturday:Electricity is really just organized lightning.
George Carlin
Sunday:A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.
E. B. White

Yesterday I went shopping for Christmas presents with my sister. We had 20 bucks and we went to dollar stores. With tax we only had 19 bucks to spend. I bought a candy bar that was only 50 cents. The rest of the stuff I won't say for fear that if my parents do read this, they will know what we got them. Then, on our way out of Family Dollar, I held open the door for some mexican guys. Meanwhile my sister said to me, "Dylan, do we need any rain ponchos?"
And to that I said, "No, we need some mexican ponchos." This apparently was something you never say around a Mexican, because the looks they gave me were deadly. That is about all the interesting parts of my day.

Recently I have undertaken a very difficult quest. I have been attempting to find more friends. Which, so far, has been a failed attempt. So yeah, follow this blog, and I will count you as one of my friends.

Now here is a cool drawing of a ghost/comic because I still need more words.

Click to biggy it.

So until next time, this is me, signing off.

Monday, December 6, 2010

1000 word post of stuff that no one really cares about.

Today is the day, That is December second. Did anyone do No-shavember? Well, I did, but the only real thing that happened is that my uni-brow grew in real thick. But I shaved it yesterday night, so it's not there anymore. Umm, I guess I'll do the quotes of the week!
Monday: Salmon.
Tuesday: In 5 years we'll have holograms and crap.
Wednesday: Just free the main slave, the others aren't worth it.
Thursday: Who knew it could talk
Friday: Boulder! Boulder! Boulder!
Saturday: Look! It's Spock!
Now for a quick 6 page comic I made in an assignment for our mythology wiki which can be found here.

(Click on the image to biggen it!!!)
Before I sign off, I have no idea why that the 5:36 post went to the top, so until next time this is me, signing off.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

5:36 PM

So, how are you all doing tonight?! Wooooo! (crowd cheering)

It is now 5: 46 PM.

I'm going to turn the time over to my sister. She is really cool and she's my hero. I think she will become ruler of the free world, and dictator of the un-free world. She one day hopes to have her own unicorn farm (crowd booing). Give it up for my undeniably awesome sister!!!

How are we doing tonight?! (crowd cheering). My brother invited me here this evening to tell you all about something I know only hardly anything about. That's Dungeons and Dragons (TM). Also something I know very little about is spanish, but I once knew a girl who knew a girl that lived in Chile that said that instead of "hahaha" they write "jajaja". I am also prepared for quotes of the week. So let's get this show on the road.(crowd cheering)

Dungeons and Dragons is a game for people that lack personal hygiene (all lies) and have an interest in electronics (??). I know this because on Wednesday I get serious taco cravings and have a trip to taco time, and afterward I pick my brother up from his weekly "adventure (delve)." So I go into that place and it's like I'm back in AP chemistry (once this kid made an ester using butric acid, and decided to put it on himself because he wanted to smell like banana Laffy taffy, but it quickly broke down and became butric acid again, which smell just like vomit), sitting behind the kid in my AP physics class that has gas. That is how I know that DnD players tend to stink. They also sell comics there, and everyone knows that comic books attract stinky people.

In a world where my brother goes places and I go places with him, I see things unseen by others that are seeing. That means that once my mom made a joke about her stylus for her palm pilot in the presence of DnDers, and they found it most hilarious. Proof for the earlier discussed statement.

Quotes of the Week:
Monday: "You don't want to have a warm smoothie, it's like drinking fruity bathwater."
-- Neil Gaiman, on Arthur.

Tuesday: "Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike."
-- Alexander Hamilton (my hero!)

Wednesday: "Sometimes we don't do the things we want to do so that others won't know we want to do them."
-- Ivy, The Village

Thursday: "The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and, however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true to fact. The people are turbulent and changing, they seldom judge or determine right."
-- Alexander Hamilton

Friday: "The Kraken and the Watermelon Patch."
-- .......

Saturday: "hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
--Eva Joe

Sunday: "Well, put on your fancy stained jacket and gather round the fire in the trash can homeless romantic"
--Strong Bad

So, until next time, this is Dylan "El Coolio" Waters, and Lauren "Powderpuff" Waters, signing off.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Well, it's getting late-ish, so I thought that to save time I would just post part of my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) story. Now due to the problems of Blogger and its posting issues, this might mess up. Well here goes nothing! Imagine a huge lightbulb explosion if this messes up...
The lost tales of SilverCreek--- Grobble ran down the old cobble stone road, panting and heaving as he hurried to get home. He had about four more miles to run, and he had to get there soon if he was going to make it to the festival on time. The festival only came once a decade, and if you missed it, you probably would never see anything like it again. There were magic performances, acrobats, and insane tales told by bards about their journeys away from home. Grobble loved hearing these stories ever since he was a tiny child, and, in turn, the bards loved to tell their stories and sing their wondrous ballads as the music from their mouths and their words played into Grobble’s ears. And all of the food! All of the sweet-smelling aromas that would dance around anyone’s nose in exciting, scrumptious swirls of heat. Pies would come fresh out of the oven, freshly picked fruit would lie in baskets, and top quality fish would lay out on tables that were caught in the morning hours before.
Grobble ran past an old and cracked sign post. He struggled to read what it said, as time had worn it away. However Grobble realized that it was simply a sign to his village and that he would soon come to the lake. Passing farmer’s golden wheat fields, flowing meadows, dense forests and shining orchards, he finally reached the lake. Twilight began to dance on the long grass that would dance in the wind, and he knew there would not be enough time to go around the lake. So he plunged into the sparkling water.
Grobble’s long hair was like strands of seaweed, flowing each way through the clear blue water. Grobble punched and kicked for as long as he could until he felt his lungs were about to pop. He rose, but only for a moment, then sunk and swam to the end of the lake. It was late fall so when he splashed out of the water, he felt the cold of the crisp air sting his entire body. He was now so close to the village, and people were coming and going as the night went on. He bumped into people, knocked some down, and even jumped out of the way for a few very fast moving characters.
He past the stone arch that read IceMill and went past the thick, iron gate that was made by a signature blacksmith. Compared to the rest of the town, the gate was a beautiful beast, protecting the poor villagers from the monstrosities that lurk behind its walls. He nodded to the guards as he passed and he stared at their tired faces. They had obviously not had enough rest, and the festival attracts two kinds of people, well three if you count the goblins, Demons, and other strange beasts that easily get pushed out of town.
So until next time, in which, I will probably give you actual stuff, this is Dylan (no qoutes this week) Waters.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Almost good times...

I really like the titles of my blog. I like the fact that they rarely have to do with anything that I am ever talking about. So yeah, the flying car did explode in liftoff but at least they built the flying car, right? I have no idea what I'm talking about.
New paragraph! What should I talk about next? What's cool about writing a blog is that it is just like taking an adventure deep into the cerebral cortex. If that makes sense, I get kudos. The good king though, not the crappy candy kind. Because while you're writing your blog, you get to think about the past events, your regrets and your accomplishments, which for me, usually the regrets outweigh the accomplishments, and I feel like I failed during the week. But, that would be acting like a downer.
I got up at 8/7 today because of daylight savings ending, or is it beginning? Who knows?! All that I know is that I got an extra hour of sleep last night. I can remember the differences of daylight savings time because we spring forward and we fall back. See what I mean. It's cool and you know it, at least, it is cooler than what you thought it was.
So on Friday I went to a pretty cool party, where I made some friends, some enemies, and realized that I am not good at a lot of things. I also learned that my friends girlfriend hates me for reasons that I still don't know nor would I understand if I did know. Saturday came around, and I took my dogs to the park, then went to this party-ish thing with my mom's co-workers. They were ok. I was forced to play foosball, pinball and darts. I won't say anything else about it because I don't know how to without making it seem awkward. See, now you still feel awkward. Even the spelling of awkward is awkward. It looks like Ow-k'-ward. So yeah, vote for me, or don't because I don't even care.
Ummm, since I still have time to tell you something pointless, (like I haven't been telling you pointless things this whole time.) I will tell you one of my tales about lonely wednesday nights.
On wednesday, at about 6:15, My dad drives me down to this little game store that is tucked away in a corner out of sight called Hajomaje: Games, toys, and collectables, where I (hold on, my pot pie just finished.) drop off my backpack full of books and my tackle box full of small plastic miniatures representing everything from zombies to demons, and walk across the street to taco time. I get 2 chicken soft tacos then go back and play d&d. This story will be continued.
Qoutes for the week
Monday: I'm not tired
Tuesday:So I used my stapler
Wednesday: Immediately afterward
Thursday:I found it in my pocket
Friday: My keyboard had the ___ key taken out
Saturday: So then I cooked it...
Sunday: At the bottom of the stairs...
Some of these qoutes have inner jokes, in case you haven't noticed...
So until next time, this is Dylan Waters signing out/off

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Well, happy Halloween everybody! Also happy end of the term! Hope all of your grade-related wishes came true! If they didn't, better luck in NovDecJan, formally known as term 2, but NovDecJan sounds cool.
Ok, next thing. Quotes. Here they are:
Monday:I can't find my platypus'es parents' car!
Tuesday:It's time for its pity-party!
Wednesday:I'm not arguing.
Thursday:Bad idea, man. never listen to those guys' bribes.
Friday:I know this one guy that said this one thing one time.
Saturday:I'm running out of good quotes
Sunday:Aaarg! The duck took the stairs again.
So usually the people who belong to the family of the Waterses buy some candy and have tons leftover cuz' no one, and I mean no one, comes to our house. So this year the parents of the Waters' family go out and buy less candy. See how I'm covering for their names, eh? Well now we get 30 people and we have to buy more candy for tonight. I think that it is really dumb that people think it's "ok" for them to celebrate a holiday when it's not a holiday. I wanted to judo kick all those kids who thought that it was halloween. What's the point of joining a religion if you can't even celebrate holidays on the actual holiday, huh? What is the world coming to if you can't even celebrate people's holidays on the correct day? That's my opinion of stuff.
This brings the wrath of blogness to a new "label" thing.Rants. Remember that because they will probably be coming around a lot. If you forget I will never forgive you.
Hmm. What else to talk about.I don't wanna do a story, or talk about nerd-time, looks like this will lead to another new label. It is not going to be politics cuz politics are boring to read and talk about.
So did anyone struggle with honor's english? I still have to finish "The Chosen" and write a review but that's about it. The forum stuff was kinda annoying and hard to remember to do... But in the end I did it. I did my shelfari thingy onto my blog just now... Does anyone else multitask? In addition to all that stuff, I just did my editing for one of my blog posts too, so now it makes much more sense. Does your's? no. Because it isn't cool. Your's is just a bunch of random pointless stories that no one likes, or politics, or your grades, or stuff that only you would understand and make it so no one else ever has fun reading your blog. Well I say that my blog is a point of light in an ever-darkening world. My blog will push away all of those things that you hate. So come. Let my blog wrap you in its soft blanket of words. See that metaphor? Your blog doesn't have metaphors either.
Did anyone know that my middle name is Seamus? That is pronounced ShA-muss. Yeah at one point I tried to go by that. People didn't go for that. So if I still went by that this would be Seamus's blog.
"So until next time, Send me your questions, and I will make fun of you!"--Strong Bad

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bowl of Tuna in your face!

I forgot to put quotes of the week! AAAh! <- 3 capitols.
Monday:Bowl of Tuna in your face!
Tuesday:Sandwiches, Where?
Wednesday:Sand Witches, Where?
Thursday:That reminds me of my great grandpa.
Friday:That looks just like a gargoyle.
Saturday: No driving in the house!
Sunday:No habla espanol.
So until next time, this is El Coolio, signing off.

Crap. Plain old crap.

This week was not the best of all time. The beginning of the week started with me worrying what would come up the rest of the week. Tuesday came along and I did horrible on my math test. Wednesday came along and I messed up at our concert, then everyone yelled at me for something I didn't even do. However, I did play the chime part perfect. Now it's Thursday, and I have to go talk to everyone who I wanted to get away from on Tuesday. Oh, the memories.
Not that I'm whining though, because that's not my style. I just wanted to get it off my chest. The title actually doesn't have to do with anything. Oh, also if you see any spelling/grammatical errors on here let me know. I wanna fix 'em.. <- Did you see what I did there? So don't say anything about those, but any others, yeah.
Now, I am going to try a new thing. I will write a story, and you have to find the pattern. Ready, steady, go!
A long time ago, Before poeple came, Crabs ruled the world from their...Dark fortress! Eh? Figure it out yet? Going to find someone to conquer the crabs set off. Hurrying down a hill sideways they came upon some snails.
"Ick!" they yelled and charged.
"Jumpin' Jupiter!" the snails screamed, and hid in their shells.
Killer crabs tried to attack their shells but they were to tough. Lenny, a particurally fat crab, went to go get some lemonade. Many days later the snails crept out of their shells. Nasty crabs were down upon them in an instant!Out in the open and not in their shells, they were completely defenseless. Plucked out of their shells they were. Queen crab took them away and locked them away in the cellar. Rugged and wrecked, they were now slugs.
Soon the slugs hatched a plan. They climbed on top of eachother and climbed out of the cellar!
"Ugly we may be, but victorious we are!" Voiced one slug.
Waiting for the right moment, they attacked and defeated the crabs. Xylophones and trumpets rang out as they claimed the dark fortress. Yet the slugs had their own quarrels, and some left to become snails again and some stayed. Zebras however, are the true victor.
If you can figure it out, leave a comment. Be sure to include your name, number, e-mail and social security number.
I'm kidding. All you need is your name.
So this post started on Thursday, and I'm finishing it on Monday! Hoo-ray Laziness! After this term is over, I swear to you I will get all of the pictures up on here. So be ready, cuz' I'm not making any promises...
So until next time, this is Dylan (El coolio) Waters, signing off...
But First our weekly broadcast, (insert show tune here)
Today there was snow in the mountains. Tomorrow it will be cold. Based on the current weather pattern it will be cold for the rest of the week too.
Well hello again! Welcome to the mysterious fortune teller/fry cook tent!!! Here's another story cuz' I'm bored:

Once there was a quiet, peaceful forest where the Ents would go and have fun with all of their friends. They were incredibly happy. One day an Ent named Woody was on a walk just outside of the forest. He saw strange pink men with large silver tools that shined in the sun. Without warning, the lumberjacks began to chop down the trees! Woody was terrified but the lumberjacks weren’t finished yet. They pulled out their tinder boxes and began to burn the trees, too! Woody ran to tell the old and wise elders of the forest, but smoke clouded Woody’s eyes. He stumbled about blindly as he looked for his friends. When he finally found them it was too late. They all had to rush away from the forest as fast as they could. A few days later they returned to their charred blackened forest. Everyone was sad but Woody was hopeful. “We will re-grow the forest!” he said. After a few years the forest had re-grown and everyone was incredibly happy. However, the lumberjacks returned. This time Woody had a plan. He spoke to the lumberjacks. “I will give you our seeds, so you can have your own trees.” The Lumberjacks reluctantly agreed. Everyone was incredibly happy. The End.
So until next time, this is El Coolio, your number 1 fan, signing off.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The really long post where I have nothing to talk about

Well, here we are. Another post. I don't know what to talk about. ROBOTS! One day robots will control the world. In fact, probably in the distant future. The YEAR 2000! Ha ha! Now I have found what to talk about. 500 words, eh? That's gonna take a while. I hope I can get it done before intervention ends. If I don't, I'll be further behind than before. One day I will put amazing pictures that will stupefy and amaze you in stupefying amazement. When I do, I will force all of you to look at them. Anyway my sister wants me to put up the story I told her the other day on my blog, so I guess I will...
Once there was a little moose. (awesome start, eh?) He was on his pogo stick, bouncing through the woods where he lived. ( It's getting exciting.) When he came upon a sad bear.
"What's wrong bear?" asked the moose.
"Well, if you must know, I have no honey for my pancake toast." whimpered the bear. (Can you tell where this is going?)
The moose went on his way up the hill until he came to a beehive. There sat the queen bee.
"Excuse me, Queen Bee, but do you have some honey." asked the moose.
"I do, of course. But I want a jug of milk."
So the moose went off to the cow. She was sitting there eating grass. (Bored yet?)
"Miss Cow, do you have any milk." asked the moose.
"Yes but I want a nice hat to wear."
So the moose set off feeling a bit bored. Up he came to a goat, eating a pair of pants. There was a large pile of laundry sitting next to him. There was a very nice hat in the pile.
"Hello Little Moose. How are you?" asked the goat.
"Fine, thank you. But I see that you are doing laundry. May I have the hat after you have washed it?" asked the moose.
"Well, you could, but I will never wash it. I get bored so I just eat all of my clothes. If you can find me something better to eat than clothes, I will give you my hat."
Little moose was looking for something better to eat than clothes when he came upon a unicorn. (My sisters idea.)
"Hello Unicorn. I am trying to find something better to eat than clothes."
"Better to eat than clothes?!" Exclaimed the Unicorn. "Why, there must be a million things better to eat than clothes. But if you're looking for something really good to eat, take this path up to Grandmothers house and ask for a nice pie. Oh, and while you're up there, could you pick up my loaf of bread?"
Little moose sighed, straining to remember all of the places he had been. He then thanked the unicorn and went up the hill. He came upon a small girl wearing a red cloak. The moose said hello and asked where she was going.
"Well, I am just going to my grandmothers house." Said the Little girl.
"Ah, I am going there too." spoke the moose.
"As am I" Spoke a snapping, snarling wolf who was right behind them.
When the group finally made it up the hill, They opened grandmothers door. Almost instantly grandmother charged out in a blind rage, weilding her cane. She beat the wolf until it whined and ran off.
"Blasted things!" Yelled Grandma "Always after my goodies."
After they all went inside moose explained what was going on. Grandmother gave him the loaf and the freshest hottest pie. Now that the moose was carrying all this he couldn't jump on his pogo stick, so he had to drag it behind him as he walked.
He came to the unicorn and gave him the bread. He came to the Goat and gave him the pie. He went to the cow and gave her the hat. He went to the queen bee and gave her the milk. he went to the bear, but he had found honey while the moose was gone. However, the bear was not rude. He told the moose to return in a few hours, when he would have something nice made for him.
Little Moose went home. when he got there there was a note. At Mr. Bears, come over. Little Moose was feeling very annoyed now, and his feet hurt. When he got to Mr. Bears, he opened the door and...
"SUPRISE!" everyone exclaimed! It was Little Mooses birthday and it was the best day ever.
The End of the story. So until next time, This is Dylan, signing off.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm Sorry

 I'm sorry, people. I meant to do more than this and failed. So I'm sorry. If I was a samurai I would have to commit seppeku. (Is that how you spell it???) Anyhow I told you I would tell you about DnD so here I go:
1. a quick intro to DnD
In the wonderful geek tribe we do stuff that is complex and difficult to explain. Imagine us as a cult but without any of the creepy stuff cults do. So that was a bad example, sue me. Anyhow in DnD you A. roll a 20 sided die. Didn't know dice came in that many sides? Now you do. B. Add a mod(modifier) to that roll. That's determined by your race (not color, racists), your class (not like english and stuff but like Archer, Cleric, Rogue, or Wizard.), and your skills. C. The DM/GM (dungeon master/ game master) tells you if you passed his DC ( Difficulty class or as I like to call it Dice Check) D. If you did you do whatever you were trying to do and the game carrys on. That's the basis of DnD. The total rules are found here:
2. The way I play
In DnD you can play almost anything you want A powerful Wizard, a thoughtful Dwarf Cleric, a sneaky Elf Ranger, the options are endless. The classes of DnD (see above) are also broken down into character roles:
1. The Leader: These guys are cool. They heal themselves and their teammates while also serving as frontal soldiers.
2. The Striker: These guys can dish out lots and lots of damage, but they shouldn't be hit all that often.
3. The Defender: These guys block other guys from getting to other teammates. They always use a melee weapon and have very high HP (hit points)
4. The Controller: These guys are extra weak. They usually can only survive 2-3 hits, which is why they are never up front soldiers. They can attack multiple enemies at once which is why they are the most precious teammates. These guys are the only ones that I am good at playing.
Now that we've gotten over the particulars (I've always wanted to say that). I can go on. I like to play characters that don't care about much more than gold, beer and themselves. Which is why the first character I have ever made has been my favorite. I was a Minotaur fighter who liked to smack things and could easily shrug off pain. I honestly have no idea where I was going with this so I think I'm done talking about DnD.

See how I skipped a line? Nevermind. Yesterday was my Pa's B-day. Yep. This is turning into one of those posts where nothing happens. So I think I'm done.

So until next time, this is El Coolio, signing off.

Never mind, I am not done because I still have 22 words to do until I am finished writing this blog. Done.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Curse you, Tomorrow

Short: Ever since I lost the spelling bee in third grade, I have been almost physically incapable of spelling tomorrow. I always spell it tomarrow. You see, in the third grade, I won the spelling bee every term except in third term. I spelled tomorrow tomarrow and Mrs. Pearson, or as I called her, Sarge told me I spelled it right. The next kid spelled Incredible wrong and said I had won, again. Then she said "Wait, spell tomorrow again."
I was thinking "okay, whatever floats your boat, Sarge." and I spelled it again.
She said "Oh well thats wrong. Sorry. Austin you win."
That day I became seriously confused and vowed to never spell tomorrow again. Next day, spelling test. Tomorrow was one of the words. I just realised this is becoming a longer post than I had meant it to be. Since I googled tomorrow, I spelled it right. I forgot after my Ecstasy. Until next time, this is Dylan, signing off.

Illithid and other thoughts

This little section will probably be understood by few. I have been thinking about D&D and how the next campaign starts tomorrow at 6. I finally decided I would make a character when I got there. Up until then, I considered making a Bard, a Psion, or just a plain old Wizard. Then a flash of inspiration hit me. Mind flayers! Playing one of those guys would be awesome. But alas, no such thing yet excists. I could play a drow, but I'm saving that for a Friday group I play in.
While we are on this topic, has anyone seen 30 rock lately? The new season starts on Thursday. Unfortunately, I have to go to puppy class with my dog, Banjo. We just finished with Eva a month ago now. Anyway I watched 30 rock with my sister the other day when this quote came up:
"Floyd it's 4:30 in the morning." Tina Fey said "I haven't stayed up this late since college."
That was when she had a flashback to her college years where she had some graph paper out and a bunch of D&D minis sitting on a desk. She then said "And what should be behind this trap door? I know, more orks!" I immediately burst out laughing, and my sister Lauren immediately started making fun of me.
Well, I guess that's all I really wanted to say. So on some other post during this week, probably either on Thursday or Saturday, I will post another thing about how my week went on D&D. So until next time, this is Dylan signing off.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Various thoughts

Ok, so first blog post! Well first I just want to say that typing is really annoying now. After my dad spilled milk on the old keyboard we got a really old one. Well something is stuck in the space bar and the shift key so it's yeah...
Well, ok, I am done ranting now. I never know what to talk about on blogs so I usually end up putting a zillion pictures on one. But not today! Er, I mean this time. Because now I have to type five hundred words a week! So I will probably still put up random pictures, but I'll also tell of my awesome experiences in La-la land as I day dream in class, at home, at the store and various other places. I'll also tell you of my experiences as a nerd and as a stay-at-home Yoda. So that part didn't make any sense, you think? Well I suppose it didn't to me either, but I'll also put up lots of random quotes. So quotes of this week are going to be:
Monday: What happened to the jello?
Tuesday: Kids these days!
Wednesday: Look, Avatar!
Thursday: Then it shorted out.
Friday: Man, am I tired!
Saturday: We don't have any clean spoons!
Sunday: Like getting hit by a pie trap.
So what do you do with these quotes you, might ask? Well, try to say as many of them as you can on the corresponding day. If you can say it once, I'll clap once for you. Say it thrice, I'll post your name up. Say it five times and I will be incredibly impressed. Well, half-way there. I'm kinda bored. Well as Yoda said about the swamp "Keep trudging through."
What?! You're saying Yoda didn't say that? Well, that's probably true, except for the fact that you have no proof! WA HA HA HA!!! So I'm gonna take a quick break, so I will be back in a few lines.

Welcome back to the show! Where all of the contestants get Jello on monday. (Note to self: post "what happened to all of the jello tomorrow.") See, people, it's not hard to figure out how to say it, it's to remember when to say it.
Personal life time! I am an incredibly boring person. I will say that straight out. But that's why I got a blog: to brag about myself! No I am totally kidding but if you want to see some funny drawings head over to I do not own this blog in any single way. Cause words can't bring me dow-ow-own. No, no, no.
I go and play the nerdiest game so far invented: Dungeons and Dragons also known as D&D, D and D, DandD, D+D, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons + Dragons and anything else you can think of. I go and play it Every Wednesday night. (personal note: reading this is more fun if you say wednesday Wed-nes-day.) I also play it most Friday nights and a few Saturdays at various times.
So I guess that wraps it up. Until next time, This is Dylan signing off.

Hello World!