Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Curse you, Tomorrow

Short: Ever since I lost the spelling bee in third grade, I have been almost physically incapable of spelling tomorrow. I always spell it tomarrow. You see, in the third grade, I won the spelling bee every term except in third term. I spelled tomorrow tomarrow and Mrs. Pearson, or as I called her, Sarge told me I spelled it right. The next kid spelled Incredible wrong and said I had won, again. Then she said "Wait, spell tomorrow again."
I was thinking "okay, whatever floats your boat, Sarge." and I spelled it again.
She said "Oh well thats wrong. Sorry. Austin you win."
That day I became seriously confused and vowed to never spell tomorrow again. Next day, spelling test. Tomorrow was one of the words. I just realised this is becoming a longer post than I had meant it to be. Since I googled tomorrow, I spelled it right. I forgot after my Ecstasy. Until next time, this is Dylan, signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dylan,
    I too spell tomorrow incorrectly. I mix up whether there are two ms or two rs. Usually I spell it Tommorrow. But I know that's not right...
