Well hello again! Welcome to the mysterious fortune teller/fry cook tent!!! Here's another story cuz' I'm bored:
Once there was a quiet, peaceful forest where the Ents would go and have fun with all of their friends. They were incredibly happy. One day an Ent named Woody was on a walk just outside of the forest. He saw strange pink men with large silver tools that shined in the sun. Without warning, the lumberjacks began to chop down the trees! Woody was terrified but the lumberjacks weren’t finished yet. They pulled out their tinder boxes and began to burn the trees, too! Woody ran to tell the old and wise elders of the forest, but smoke clouded Woody’s eyes. He stumbled about blindly as he looked for his friends. When he finally found them it was too late. They all had to rush away from the forest as fast as they could. A few days later they returned to their charred blackened forest. Everyone was sad but Woody was hopeful. “We will re-grow the forest!” he said. After a few years the forest had re-grown and everyone was incredibly happy. However, the lumberjacks returned. This time Woody had a plan. He spoke to the lumberjacks. “I will give you our seeds, so you can have your own trees.” The Lumberjacks reluctantly agreed. Everyone was incredibly happy. The End.
So until next time, this is El Coolio, your number 1 fan, signing off.
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