Friday, December 31, 2010

Life is weird right now

I think that it is pretty darn lame that we still have to do blog posts over the holiday break. Because I was looking forward to a full two weeks of laziness. And so, due to my laziness, I may or may not do quotes of the week. Because I found this massive sword that is awesome. You know, it is weird, the way that as I write these blog posts, I develop a better skill of writing, or as half of the people in my creative class call it, writting. Because they don't have very good writting or writing skills. I have writing and writting skills, but bragging isn't my thing. I leave that to old people. I like brag discretely, so that I don't feel like I am actually bragging.

I went to dinosaur land, and I got soooooo tired that I laid down and went to sleep. I had a very cool dream about dinosaurs.

Moving on, I am very good at procrastinating. That is why now, it is Friday, I have 2 blog posts to make up, 1 due on Sunday, and 12 huge assignments I have to do by Wednesday. I also never read my honors English books. Well, I read one of them. I read Martian Chronicles, but I never put a review on for the last book I read, so now I am also behind on that. I never did my scrapbook page for geography, and apparently that's supposed to be more than a page, I don't know where I thought that it was supposed to be just one page. I guess I just assumed we wouldn't get a huge project. So yeah, I'm probably going to fail most of my classes now. Oh, that reminds me that I still have to write my multi-genre paper. But, I don't think that this is entirely my fault. I mean, my aunt came over, so we kinda had to do things with her, and I had to go move stuff around for my mom's friend, then my grandma broke her shoulder, I have normal scheduled activities that got in the way, and I just wanted to relax during the break. But instead, I was stressed the whole time about needing to do my homework sometime, now I am stressed about if I can get it all done. So I will probably never finish and I will end up regretting ever having this break. So I am sorry. I failed.

And now, here is a typed up version of my examination of life and death, and why any of those events even occur. The only reason we live is to die. The only reason we die is because we live. The reason to live is to die without fear of dying. But why do we die without fear? The only reason we die is unknown. Perhaps finding that reason is why we live, and we die without fear then. But why should we die without fear of dying, why not with that fear? When we die, that is when we must be ready, so then we die without fear. But what of those who die with fear? If a heaven and a hell exist, is the only difference fear? Is fear the object we seek to overcome? Do we do dangerous, brave and corrupt things all in the name of overcoming fear? And is so, is that why we kill each other and other beings who are not as strong willed or as strong as us? Is the only difference will and fear? Is fear really such a powerful presence that it literally decides who lives and who dies? But fear can only live inside a creature. So without creatures, fear would die. As long as there is something living, fear has the strength to live on. If the difference between heaven and hell is in fact fear, then if we die in fear, we are damned to hell? And without fear we are exalted towards heaven? Is god merely a trick to make use die without fear, if he does so exist? Is he the true menace and horrifying creature in this story? Perhaps Satan pities the people who die with fear, who feel they did not finish their lives, and that they still have something to accomplish. So then Satan would be a friend who we could rely on, who could help us during difficult situations, and when we die with fear. Perhaps he is there to protect the people who were not ready to die, perhaps even shows them why they should be ready. He must then help them overcome their fear. Perhaps the god, only accepts those who were ready to die, and thinks poorly of those who are not? He would only accept those not needing any further reason to live. Then if that is the case, then suicide would be the most beautiful thing one could do in their lives. Then all our decisions lead to the moment we die. If, when we die, we are ready and feel completed, then dying is good, and you have succeeded at life and death. If your decisions lead to death when you are not ready, then dying is the worst, and you have failed at both life and death. Then, would it be possible to succeed at life and fail at death, or fail at life and succeed at death? I suppose we must either be greedy and selfish, or we must be light-hearted and foolish. Then still, why we need to die is unclear. Perhaps there is no afterlife, just a thing religion tells you to comfort you when you are, or are not, ready to die. Perhaps all there is is oblivion. In that case we live and we die with no real purpose. If life had no purpose there would be only madness. No hope, no suffering, just madness. Perhaps we do not realize that we live lives of madness. We just misconstrue what is really happening around us. Perhaps there is no way to open your eyes and see truly what the world has become. I suppose the dead would know, both the purpose and whether there is madness. However, perhaps only one who has died with fear, and one who has died without fear, can know why we die. And they would have two very different answers. In that case, without having this knowledge, we might as well all just die. If there is no reason without reason, there would be no need for living.

I will leave you to ponder upon that. Until next time, I am signing off.

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