Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life is amazing.

I am feeling a lot better about myself, which is awesome. I used to see the world in the darkest shade possible. Now I always look for where the brightest color is, the best thing. I am doing very, very good and I realized who I want to be in life. I want to be the person who talks to people when they're sad, when they're lonely. I am going to talk to total strangers in an attempt to feel good about their life, their friends, their grades, their family, and themselves. Everything I used to feel bad about. I came to the realization that I do have an amazing family and friends and just an amazing life in general, and I think I truly opened my eyes for the first time. I only have one thing that still stresses me out and drags me lower. My mom. She mostly yells at me, and she hardly ever congradulates me. Whatever I am currently doing always seems to be the wrong thing. I think that is all I wish to speak of the subject, and now I shall post my Seedfolks analysis, because I don't think I ever gave that to Mr. T. Here it is.

Seedfolks Analysis
Dylan (El Coolio) Waters

            Seedfolks is a short novel that is just 70 pages. I read it twice, just to get a good feel for the book. It isn’t the most heartfelt or incredible story, but I did very much enjoy the way the story is told. The story is really just several people giving their view of what’s going on, but that is the strange element that adds a lot of flavor to the book. A lot of books are told in just one voice, but this one had 13 unique voices from all sorts of different cultures. A Hispanic man, an American old woman, a Vietnamese teenager are all voices in the story. The story unites them in a strange way.
            The garden in the story is a metaphor for the growing and connecting that both the plants and the people have. One person may assist another (even if they do not speak the same language) in building a walkway in their garden, much like how a marigold assists a potato by protecting it. Somehow. I read about that on a website. I guess that’s sort of like symbolization.
            The garden is like a whole world. All sorts of different people stake out their section of the garden for themselves in a want for their garden to be the most flourished. Although sections of the garden fight and defend against other people, they also trade and help each other, simply for the good of survival. Much like the world. In the world we war and kill each other. However, we also protect and help other nations and people when they are in need. I’m not sure if this the right answer, or even there is a right answer in the symbolization of Seedfolks. This is just what I believe.
            The garden fosters great friendships and trust in one another, which is something more than just seeds that sprout up and develop into the greatest of fruits. In the beginning, no one trusts each other. Ana says, “I never had children of my own, but I’ve seen enough in that lot to know she was mixed up in something she shouldn’t be.”
By the end of the story, Nora says, “The small dry space forced us together. In fifteen minutes we’d met all of them and soon knew the whole band of regulars.”
I think the theme in the end is that we can all do good for each other. We can all help out in ever way we can, and we always try to positively affect the whole world. I enjoyed Seedfolks. What amazed me is that such a short book can impact someone so greatly.
I would also like to thank Mr. Thompson for his story, which also has positively impacted my life. Thank you, and I'll see this blog one last time (at least for the school year) next week.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

If this is what a hangover is like, I will never drink.

I went to a party yesterday, and it wasn't that cool. Well, it was ok. We played beer pong, but with Mountain Dew, and by half-way through the first round, we ran out of that, so we used Coke. By the second rounds, we ran out of that, so we used Rockstar. I won my first match, 7-3, but I lost my second match, 5-7. It went on to go to a third and 4th round, and I can't even remember who had won. We boxed for a little bit, and now my jaw hurts. I made a kid's nose bleed, but he said he gets them all the time and that it was all good. We wandered around the neighborhood because one punk got lost on his way there, and we went to find him. I had had quite a bit of caffeine, and puked on somebody's lawn. Oops. We finally found him, and then we had to walk back up to the house. The main thing was, by the end, most people realized how much I sucked, called me some mean names, and eventually just left me sitting there. My sister called and my Pa came and got me. Today, my eyes are sore, my jaws ache, my stomach hurts, I have a really weird headache, my rib is in pain, and I feel like crap. I guess that's what a party is. I don't want to go to school tomorrow because I know I'll see everyone who was a jerk, they'll make fun of me some more, and I'll have to use some abusive language to attempt to make myself feel better. Which leads me once again realizing that I regret 80 percent of my decisions in life, and I wish I could just forget that there was a Saturday.

Moving on, we should talk of kudos. No one got any. Way to offend me, jerks. The new way to get 2 kudos this week is to vote on the little movie poll in the corner and leave your name on this post's comment section. 1 kudo for commenting. 3 kudos for sharing your story of a party. The big 5 kudo winner this week is to guess the SECRET WORD. You get a hint. It has something to do with a movie that came out recently. If any of you go see a certain movie of which I am referring to, you get 4 kudos.

I only have 600 words left from here to the end of the year, and I guess the loner corner is sort of packing up in a way. Tomorrow it will be remembering all of the good and bad times, Tuesday, putting all of its relics into boxes. Wednesday, not worrying about anything. Thursday, packing up its writings. Friday it will be looking ahead, putting its boxes into a moving truck. Saturday it will drive East, and won't stop until it runs out of energy. On Sunday, It will write one last thing, and place it into its box of memories. So goodbye all (meaning no one), and I shall see you once more.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

And, once again, it's ten thirty

It's late once again, but by now that's expected. I just finished watching SNL (Hooray, OnDemand!) and now I'm just trying to think of something interesting enough to write about for 500 words. I honestly never have any thing going on in my life that's worth mentioning. So I'll talk about everything I did over the weekend. If you make it to the bottom of the page, leave a comment and I'll give you 4 kudos. Which is my new system for rewarding anyone (At least seven people) who read this blog. Every week, I'll give some way to gain 1-5 kudos, and whoever has the most in 3 weeks, which means the end of the year, wins a prize. Which means me hunting you down and giving you something I got out of a vending machine. Also, if you do get the kudos from all 3 weeks, I'll give you a bonus kudo! If you are the first commenter, you get a bonus kudo! So many ways to win kudos! If you compliment my crapfully drawn artwork, You get 2 kudos. If you sarcastically comment on it, you get 1 kudo. Should have been nicer to me. If you e-mail me a picture of anything @, you get 3 kudos. If your drawing is a superhero or a guy holding a sword or other medieval implement, you get a bonus kudo. The first 5 commenters on this post get 1d6 (1 six sided die) bonus kudos. If anyone gets 1 kudo, I'll be impressed. Now for the big winner. Anyone who draws an epic gargoyle, signs their name, writes gargoyle Moe somewhere on it, and says, "It's OK to put this on your blog." You get 5 kudos and you'll be my hero. And my only friend. Just kidding. Second. It's been 20 minutes, and I'm still not done? I gotta speed this up! I have a discussion board post to do!

This weekend, which is what I was gonna talk about anyway, was really boring. On Friday (gotta get down on Friday), I went home, called my friends and said let's see a movie, or hang out, or go buy a Monster, or anything but they didn't want to. On Sat. I called them up again after having to go on a really lame trip to Snowbasin to fix owl boxes. I still can't feel two of my toes. Have you looked up there? It's still all snowy, but my parents were all like, "Nah! It's fine!" It was warm, but not on my feet. My friends still didn't want to hang. So on Sunday, which is a fine day for me to hang out. No churchy religious stuff means an extra day off. Especially from creepers like anyone who works at a church. Unless. Unless it's for Cthulhu or the Onion God. Or for Big Balthazar. All of those are cults. So I'm not sure you can count those. At the chime, the current time is eleven o' clocko' thank you. *Ching/noise that a chime should make*
That's all for tonight. Good night nobody!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Everyone and me

I thought that sounded like a cool title of a song. I guess. As this year is coming to a close, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Too much thinking, probably. I like thinking, just staring and thinking about what you need to do next and what's wrong with the world. I like thinking about anything and everything. I think about death, life, wars, peace, anything really. I think I get it from my mom. We went shopping for some new clothes and she told me, "I wasn't fun to go to places with." Which I guess is why no one ever talks to me or asks me to go anywhere fun. But whatever, I deal with it. I guess I get sad at times, and write "school inappropriate" blog posts, but that's not my fault. No wait, that is. I wish I had some mental disease to blame all of my weird problems on. Mom says I can start taking medication to handle stress and my low self confidence, and I think I'll hit up on that offer. I'm also going to take the adult content warning off. That was stupid. All of my ideas are really. I feel like life is just like sleep, except in my dreams the world is always black and white. Except blood. That stays red in my dreams. Why? Because I always die in my dreams. My dreams, not nightmares. My nightmares are when I wake up and realize I have to do things. I don't mind doing things, I'm just scared of what happens in life in general. I like to stare at a white wall until it turns into imagination. Turns into imagination and anything and anyone can go there and I create entire worlds which I explore and create and just have fun in. It lets me go. The hardest part about blog posts is the white on the sides as I write them. It's just begging me to go in, and often, I do. Anyway, in my dreams they're always black and white and red. Here is an example of every one's common dream. You're falling off a cliff, but here's how mine's different. I'm bleeding out of every orifice. And every scab I pick at on my body. I never see out my eyes I always follow along the back of me, like my soul doesn't want my body. Then I see trees come into view. They are big black pines, but oozing bright blood out. I see a hole, where I am going to fall into, filling with buckets of blood. Then I see some demonic creature that only my mind can come up with. Their eyes are swollen shut and dripping. Their mouths are dripping blood down their chin. random boils explode with pus, which is in black and white. Along with blood. Nothing is to scale. I land in the hole, struggle to escape but now I seem to be bound at my wrists. I sink below the blood and watch myself drown. When I die, the world slowly turns all black and fades out, like a movie. Then I awake. All this happens in just 10 seconds. But yet it has been 8 hours. Is this school appropriate?

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Extreme Adventures of an Extreme Nerd. ( the unfound-re-discovered post, which shall not count as my blog this week. Apparently I skipped one in Feb. This is a big title indeed.

As you (meaning no-one,) all know, I am a pretty big nerd. But this will truly top your thoughts of me as you will never expect. You have read my high-action (or lack thereof,) story that I have written, and I have told you of D&D, speaking of the &, the ampersand is my favorite symbol in the entire english language. I have spoke about grammar, of role-playing games, of sports which I hate. Yet I am still missing one piece of my Nerd Landia. And that piece is... Science! I am in the hardest science class that I can currently take. Most people do not like my teacher, but I thoroughly enjoy it. Is that how you spell thoroughly? I am not sure. Anyhow now I will give you my short speech about time travel which is very annoying and hard to think about. Which is why I don't like to think about time travel. Well here goes!
If you did indeed, travel back in time to fix a mistake which you have made, then you will not have needed to ever have traveled back into time.However, then you would not have travelled back in to time, which would mean you would still have that problem, meaning that you would have had to have travelled back in time, which you now wouldn't have to travel back in time for. As you can see, this ends in an endless loop. Therefore, I have concluded three possibilities: A. Time travel is impossible. B. Time travel would suck you into an extra-dimensional loop where you would be forced to do the same thing over and over again for eternity. C. Travel could only make you re-live moments of your past. It wouldn't let you alter it it any way. This is my theory of time travel.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

6 votes?

My little poll about movies has sat down on that side of the page for a very long time. It started out with one vote from me on Netflix. Then I assumed Mr. T put one vote on I'd rather read. Then I assumed Mr. T used another vote from a different computer on I'd rather read. But now there's 6 stinking votes! 2 on Netflix, 3 on Lunatic and 1 I'm lame. Now, I didn't know that my blog was even worth 2 votes, but man! You (whoever you are) gave me 6 whole votes. So thank you, kind readers and possible enjoyers. Also, thank you for coming to this non-adult blog even though there is a warning right before you get here. Thank for letting me insult religion and thank you for sharing my lame stories. Thank all of you for just reading 2 or 5 sentences, because even I couldn't get very much farther than that. I humbly thank you, and as a reward I shall draw you a comic.
Well if you think I'm gonna end it with that, you're wrong! I'm gonna write more of those. Also, click the image to biggy it. I still have about 200 words to go, and the time is only 10:12, so at around 10:30, I should be done! It just makes you feel tired, doesn't it. Just kidding, it's not that late. If this blog ever got current readers that kept coming every week to read something of mine, I probably wouldn't stop this blog. Also, I wrote that comic because my sister wants to see a movie where only good things happen, so I dedicated it to her. And spoiler alert! (highlight the text to see it) That monster is not mean at all. Pretty good stuff. I'm proud of all you Netflix watchers. I feel bad for the unfortunate soul that cannot afford movies. And I hope you die semi-painful but quick deaths those who voted on reading. I mean I like reading too, but if you don't have subtitles on, you don't have to! If you meant you like reading subtitles (or for some weird TV's, supertitles) then that's okay. That's all for tonight! See you next time folks!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


This blog has no adult content, unless slaying monsters qualifies as adult. I put that on there mostly for my own amusement, and to see if you, Mr. T, ever call me to come talk to you about some "issues." But I can surely assure you, there is no pornography on this blog. That word is fun to say. Pornography. Say it out loud. Now yell it at the top of your lungs. Now yell this, "Captain Rhubarb made off with my leg lamp and my sleeping cap!" Run down the street and yell that. That would be cool. When you get arrested/thrown into an asylum, I'll laugh.
Easter is another Pagan holiday stolen by the Christians.Isn't it weird that Jesus just happened to die the first Sunday of spring after a full moon? Jesus, It's like he died over and over again. Or is it when he was resurrected? I don't know. But anyway. I am an Atheist. So is my sister, but she says she believes in science. Which I think is hilarious. Anyway, I thought I would take on the challenge of reading the bible. I'm about 10 pages in and I totally want this to be a movie. I can see it all now. Big man with a gray beard makes the earth and heaven randomly appear, and he creates all sorts of things that inhabit the earth. Since he's so old, he needs a break on the seventh day of creationism, Which is why were supposed to celebrate god on Sunday. But, if he uses the Gregorian calendar, That should be a Saturday. Either that or Sunday came at the end of the week when god was around. It doesn't even explain why god does this. It just says he does. And it was good. What the f$@k does that mean? It was good? Maybe he should of tried not giving us the ability to sin or cause war or kill each other! That might have been good! He also created light. He probably should have done that first so he could see what he was doing. And why does God do this? Probably because he was bored. What would you do if you were god?
In positive news, I got an easter basket today. Which I wasn't expecting. Probably because I'm 15. I mean 37. I think I'm supposed to lie about my age.In it was a bucket of chocolate. Which is now mostly gone. Here's a picture of Gargoyle Moe which was crapfully drawn in 4-5 minutes:
Totally worth it, huh? See you all around next week, and remember, PORN IS BAD! Also, I found out yesterday that my great uncle drank hydrogen peroxide every day of his life.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A big load of @#$%.

This end of the year stuff sure is getting busy. I have so much crap to do all the time that I hardly even have time to finish my math. I never have time during the week to do anything, so all projects and what-not are put off until the weekend, usually sunday. I don't go to church, which gives me a whole day off. So, in comparison to other people, it's like I get a whole extra day off. Some kids I know have so much churchy-junk to do, that they only consider Saturday their weekend. They don't even count Sunday. My usual day off is Wednesday. Why? Well, really I just work extra hard that day to get 3 hours at the end to go play D&D. Which I hardly have time for to do anyway. None of my family enjoys my nerdy exploits, so it often feels like I am alone. As an added bonus, my mom was talking about how she felt as if she wasn't being involved enough with my sister's and I's lives, so today, when I asked her to help me with my homework, she asked me why my sister couldn't help me. I think I see why you aren't feeling involved. Finally when she did agree to help me, she said she didn't know how to do it. My sister is taking 4 AP classes, I am taking 2 honor's classes with the addition of an AP class next year. I can hardly handle my life now, why handle it less next year? My parents say that life only gets harder as you get older, which means I'm screwed. Really badly screwed. I always assumed that you worked your butt off in school so you could get an easier life as an adult. That appears not to be the case, as my mom goes to work and I may not see her until the next day, often working from 5 in the morning to 12 in the morning. She doesn't get overtime. My sister is never gonna have time to do anything ever again in her life after this year. She's trying to get into Princeton College and is severely worried she won't make it. Me? I'm planning on any college that both offers a good education, and the best scholarship. I don't care if it isn't Yale, I just want to live my life. I believe we have 3 purposes in life. The first was learned from standard science. Reproduce. It is the only goal of every other creature on Earth. This goal I am actually not planning on attaining. The first I have known all my life yet have never accepted it, because I am so incredibly afraid of it that it makes me cry when I think of it. Death. It marks the end of our ability to do anything in this world, but it must be done if we are to live. If we live, we must die. If we die, we must have lived. The third was learned from my friend's older brother. I overheard him talking. He was looking at another of his brother's shirts that was from his church and it said, "What is the purpose of life?' on it. His brother kicked it out of the way as he said, "To have fun." It's so obvious, yet so complex. Thanks for reading this no one, Gargoyle Moe.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not Again!

I'm super sorry this post is late! IT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!

This week I'm giving you a section of my RPG game.



Version 1.0

This game is based off of a role-playing game entitled Dungeons & Dragons. Yes, that is nerdy. But this game is somewhat like it; however I am claiming none of their product to be mine, and if they sue me, I never sold anything. This game is virtually awesome, and combines some ideas from both D&D 4th edition and D&D 3rd edition. This game attempts to use a little bit more of the role-playing idea than dungeons & dragons 4th edition uses. Anyhow, please enjoy this game. I think it’s pretty neat.
© 2011 Dylan Waters. All rights reserved. Any names and all affiliated titles belong to me. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Content changes
0.0 Idea assembled. Guide is written down on loose leaf paper.
1.0 Guide is written, better formulated system. Changes to character sheet were made as needed.

Dylan’s RPG is an unnamed role playing game with immense magic, strong monsters and wondrous lands. Well, it may only be that if you have a good Game Master or GM for short and good players. When the term player is said, we typically refer to the people playing the heroes or protagonists of the story. This is just a short introduction for a so far shortly made game. The current level cap is 5, but this is sure to change soon as I develop more possible ways to advance and as things are improved and ideas are formulated. This is just the beginning, so wait patiently for this guide to continue.

As said above, this game is about monsters and magic. Usually you will be playing a character but you may be playing the game master. The rules for being a player are in the next section while being a game master are in section 7.

You will need a standard set of six polyhedral dice. You will require a 20 sided, 12 sided, 10 sided, 8 sided, 6 sided and 4 sided dice. The twenty sided is the most important, and for future reference, the dice will be referred to as d# like d8 as for an 8 sided dice.
Being a player
            When we say player, we mean being someone who plays a hero character and adventures in the world the game master makes up. You play a character in a world covered in evil, and are either trying to stop it, or you are joining it. Hero’s have a hard time fitting in but are usually more popular than most. They can be anyone anywhere, but are often a little set aside from regular folk. You often adventure into dungeons, wilderness and into great cities, finding quests and exploring. You often gain fame quickly, and are given very important jobs. The rest of the guide for players can be found in the character creation section, which also happens to explain most of the rules.
That's all. This is Gargoyle Moe. See you next week.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Drugs are great! (For medicinal purposes)

Sorry this post is late. I forgot to finish it yesterday. Now, in my last post I gave Sucker Punch a bad name. That wasn't good of me. It gave me poor morality points. So now I will write:
Sucker Punch Review: Part II!
Sucker Punch was a great movie. It had intense action, deep immersing plot, amazing affects, cool slo-mo, and even more. Although the movie is a little more adult than pg-13, it was still an awesome movie. As it started out it was sad and creepy. But to deal with her problem of getting a lobotomy in 5 days, she imagines a whole new setup for her life. She imagines herself an orphan and that a priest brought her in. The only true knowledge you find out about her is that she is 20 and female. Her name is baby doll, as you find out in the movie. Now obviously, this isn't her real name. That's her nickname. To cope with her problem, while she dances, she imagines herself in a different world where she talks to her guardian angel and she attempts to escape a mental asylum. Then in the back of the place is a pleasure club where a man has the little girl dance for people to make money. Why use criminally insane children? Reasons unknown. Her first imaginary realm is her talking to her guardian angel in a shogun-like Japanese place. Afterwards, he hands her 3 clips, a magnum, and a katana. Then she ends up fighting 3 stone samurai. If you've ever been to hajomaje, you will see the first guy is identical. Kinda creepy. Afterwards, she gathers her friends, and they go and disable a bomb, kill a dragon, and fight undead German Nazis. Epic stuff. Just to clear it up.
Now here's a collection of pictures.

Yeah. It's what it is. Straight up, homeslicers. Anyway, me mom and me sister (yes I mean me) have gone to Princeton because my sister wants to get into Princeton. So me and my pa have been hanging out. I've stayed up til' 3 two nights now! Hurray! Like Yesterday, I was watching CW30, for reasons I can't remember, when Pokemon 3: The Movie came on, and I watched that. I got up 6 hours after it ended. Last night I fell asleep in my clothes. It is 11:15 right now, and I've already had a monster energy. By the end of this week, I'll be a pot addict! I'm just kidding. Unless I get cancer or Insomnia. Because sometimes they give you those to treat those things. What I want to know is why my family isn't getting the package from Comcast, I mean XFINITY!!! (Because that somehow makes it better) That gets Playboy Premium. I'm just kidding. Had you worried there for a second didn't I? Anyway, if you are reading this, For shame! No one reads this blog. Well anyway, Gargoyle Moe is leaving this place, so see you all later, suckers!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A series of somewhat fortunate events.

I just got back from seeing the movie Sucker Punch. It was indescribable, but not in a good or bad way. There was a scene with a dragon, and as most people that know me know, I like seeing them there dragons. I also really like talr'king in dat darned southern accient. The show was rated pg-13 but I would have rated it R. A girl's stepfather attempts to rape his stepdaughter, several stripper-ish girls get shot right in the head, and then that same girl gets an attempted rape after she gets a lobotomy. In which all of these scenes something was barely cut off. There was a use of "Take that you ugly mother f**ker, but that part could only be lip read due to the fact that a girl was firing a massive chaingun. The whole story is based on an insane asylum (Is that the right spelling?) and the girls are forced to "pleasure" random people in order to raise money. They also have to work for a cook, which reminds me of another rape scene in which a girl tries to take some chocolate out of the kitchen and a morbidly obese chef knocks her down and tries to take off her pants. Several hundred undead German soldiers (which may be the coolest idea ever) are kicked in the crotch. Which, being undead, probably has no affect on them. So that was another weird scene. Scott Glenn plays a sort of angel guy who was probably the most entertaining part. He was the only guy I ever laughed at during the whole movie. And that was because his signature line was "Oh and one more thing" and he would say something critical to the story. Also I think the director had a weird view on Asians, because the one Asian girl in the movie always flew the plane, or jet, or robot suit which involved super computeroid technology. Yes, computeroid is a word. I just looked it up on Urban dictionary. So ha!
In other news, it was my birthday wednesday, and I got awesome freaking stuff. My cake was a GO DIEGO GO cake but the figures were taken off and beholder figures from D&D were placed onto it. For a picture of a beholder look below:

4 of those were on my cake. My sister also made me a dice bag to look like a twenty sided dice. Although I rarely admit it, I also enjoy pokemon, which I also often make fun of. I got pokemon black for my day that I was born 15 years ago. Also, everyone thinks I'm 16 since I set up my Facebook account when I was 12 and it required you to be 13. So no, I cannot drive. I got a brand spankin' new bike, which I had to use today to go to the grocery store to buy cabbage and tortillas. Why? My mom already had fish. Also, my name is no longer Dylan. It is now Gargoyle "The Stony" Moe. Thank you and have a grand week.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Now that I am behind by about 4 weeks on my blog, I will post my entire story that I did write.

Chapter I
            Grobble ran down the old cobble stone road, panting and heaving as he hurried to get home. He had about four more miles to run, and he had to get there soon if he was going to make it to the festival on time. The festival only came once a decade, and if you missed it, you probably would never see anything like it again. There were magic performances, acrobats, and insane tales told by bards about their journeys away from home. Grobble loved hearing these stories ever since he was a tiny child, and, in turn, the bards loved to tell their stories and sing their wondrous ballads as the music from their mouths and their words played into Grobble’s ears. And all of the food! All of the sweet-smelling aromas that would dance around anyone’s nose in exciting, scrumptious swirls of heat. Pies would come fresh out of the oven, freshly picked fruit would lie in baskets, and top quality fish would lay out on tables that were caught in the morning hours before.
 Grobble ran past an old and cracked sign post. He struggled to read what it said, as time had worn it away. However Grobble realized that it was simply a sign to his village and that he would soon come to the lake. Passing farmer’s golden wheat fields, flowing meadows, dense forests and shining orchards, he finally reached the lake. Twilight began to dance on the long grass that would dance in the wind, and he knew there would not be enough time to go around the lake. So he plunged into the sparkling water.
Grobble’s long hair was like strands of seaweed, flowing each way through the clear blue water. Grobble punched and kicked for as long as he could until he felt his lungs were about to pop. He rose, but only for a moment, then sunk and swam to the end of the lake. It was late fall so when he splashed out of the water, he felt the cold of the crisp air sting his entire body. He was now so close to the village, and people were coming and going as the night went on. He bumped into people, knocked some down, and even jumped out of the way for a few very fast moving characters.
He past the stone arch that read IceMill and went past the thick, iron gate that was made by a signature blacksmith. Compared to the rest of the town, the gate was a beautiful beast, protecting the poor villagers from the monstrosities that lurk behind its walls. He nodded to the guards as he passed and he stared at their tired faces. They had obviously not had enough rest, and the festival attracts two kinds of people, well three if you count the goblins, Demons, and other strange beasts that easily get pushed out of town. The two kinds of people were the honest, excited, trustworthy people seeking to get a good deal or find an amazing treasure that he could display with pride throughout his entire life, Giant fish, beast’s heads, and the most impressive parts of creatures such as tails, arms, or legs. The festival of IceMill also attracted thieves who were looking to swipe as many varieties of goodies and hide them in a patchwork burlap bag. Some thieves guilds have contests at these types of festivals, and some of their recruiting agents are specifically looking for individuals who can not only steal a lot of stuff without getting caught, but also making it out of the village gates without getting searched. The quickest way to do this would be to climb the wall, but that is a bit hard with a heavy bag in one hand, and to climb a twenty foot wall without getting noticed is a challenge in itself.
Guards know of this, and so seeing a man with drenched patched clothes and heaving attracted their attention.
“Oy, Guv’” shouted one of the men “what on earth are you doing? You come into this town during the most prized season of the decade, and you look like a fool, a soaked and wet fool! N’ to top it all off, you nod all calmly to us as you just walk on by. You ‘etter have a good reason for coming in like a fool, or else I’ll ‘ave to clop yuh’! Hur, hur, hur!”
Grobble cleared his throat and began to speak “I am Grobble, son of Oaken who is son of Thyrmir, who is son of---“
“I do not care who yer’ granddaddy’s name is you fool! I just care why you’re in my town looking like you got mugged by fishmen!” Screamed the guard.
“If I told you that that was true, would you believe me?” Grobble smiled a toothy grin.
The fat guard became furious and his face went from red to a deep purple. “NO! I would NOT believe that, unless the Daily Dragon newspaper said men were being attacked by fish people. I can assure you, there are NO SUCH THINGS AS FISH PEOPLE!”
Grobble tried in vain to calm him down “Look, I did not want to miss the festival, so I swam the lake. I am sorry I made you so mad.”
The man settled down almost instantly “Well why did you not say so, mate? Have a glass of whiskey and a towel.”
After his drink and his towel he was warmed up. But there were only a few hours left of the festival and Grobble began to panic. Then a man with a friendly face and a straw hat came up. He was carrying a lute.
“Well hello, my friend!” He said cheerfully “Allow me to be your guide and take you to the best spots in town, so you do not waste any of your precious time. Although I would like a small contribution of five silver pieces, or one of the old ones with the holes in middle!”
Grobble reached into his pocket and pulled out five dull silver coins. The bard bit them all to check if they were fake then shook Grobble’s hand. Grobble’s hand was cold and hard like a stone while the Bards was frail and small for a man.
“Fancy meeting you mate! My name is Talak Thundersnap and my father Grim, was the most famous bard in this part of the country.”
“I am Grobble Tearslaughter, who came from the Dwarven town of GeerRake to see if I could catch a glimpse of the festival. I’ve been running all week just to see it.”
“Well it was a wise decision to come out here. Here, let me show you around.” Spoke the bard and away they went.
They stopped at the very best pie stands, fish markets, magic shows and caravans. By the end Grobble had only a few steel coins left. That was when a jester approached them. He wore a jester’s hat that came to two points that was purple and green with gold bells. The rest of his clothes were red and blue with some black with silver bells. His shoes were green and pointed, and they twisted back toward his heel. His voice cracked as he spoke, and he sounded at least twenty years older than he looked. He tried to sound with the youth and optimism of a young jester, but had a very difficult time doing so. He seemed very out of place among all of these peasants and merchants.
“Well hello there! My name is Gera-ar, and I come from the mountains in the north, hence the –Ar. Ha ha! That makes me sound like pirate! Ay, but I got what you want, mate. You see, I’m old. You can tell from my voice. But I do not look old at all, see? No wrinkles! I have been using magic for the last twenty-two years to keep my youth about me. Now I am retiring. Now I can tell you only want the best of the best, no? Well I tell you what. I will give you this orb for 3 coins of any type. You must accept before I will give it to you. That is the deal. Now for my trick to work you must tell me, do you accept, or do you decline?”
Grobble thought for a moment, pinning the pros against the cons. Finally, after several moments, he spoke. “I accept, and will give you these 3 steel coins.” He handed him the money.
“Steel, huh? Well that is an interesting choice.” The jester spoke. He pushed the steel coins into 3 slots in the orb then cast a quick spell, Mumbled something, and handed Grobble the orb. “Hold the orb and think of a weapon, be as specific or as general as you like, and it will turn into it in your hand. Not only that, but it can also turn into any kind of armor or shield, but it cannot be more than one thing at once!”
Grobble’s hairy chin hung open. “Th-this is amazing!” He sputtered! “I could never afford anything like this, though.”
“Oh it’s free of charge. It is getting late, and the burden of having too many magical items, instruments, tools and weapons has really gotten me down.” The jester coughed a few times. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I really must lie down.” With that the jester clapped his hands twice and a caravan covered in cloth just like the jester’s appeared in a puff of purple smoke. The jester clambered in, his face expressionless, clapped his hands twice, and was gone, leaving both the bard and Grobble astonished and bewildered.
A couple of minutes later, the bard showed him to the best cheap inn he knew of. It really was good for a cheap inn. It had actual beds! Grobble went inside to talk to the innkeeper. He was fat, and looked extremely tired, just like the guards. He had pudgy, wet hands, and a dirty, uncombed mustache that appeared to have looked like something at one point. He swayed in his chair, and was obviously drunk.
“Whysh Hellosh!” He sputtered. “I’msh the Innshkeep! SOME FESHTIVAL, HUH?! I’ve beensh having loadsh of time fun! Er, I meansh fun timesh. Or do I meansh time funsh? I dunno’. You can havesh yourshelf a room for twos a copper!”
Grobble handed him the money, thanked him, and when the innkeeper finally figured out which of the keys were the right one (There were five, but the innkeeper saw 30.) Grobble went to his room and decided to try out his new orb of power. First he tried a simple thing. Long sword he thought and the orb turned into a basic, steel colored long sword. He tried a few more things, mace, club, flail and all of them came out a basic steel color. He remembered the jester saying he could think of anything specific, too. He thought of a golden sword, the orb changed to a golden sword. A fiery dagger, the orb turned into a flaming dagger with spikes. “This is amazing!” He shouted, “Absolutely amazing!”
            Then he tried a shield. It turned into a shield. He turned a coat of chainmail and the orb morphed into a suit of chainmail. He jumped up and down in his excitement. He tried thinking of other weapons. A chair could be a weapon he thought. The orb turned into a chair. This made him realize that anything could essentially be a weapon. That meant that the orb would turn into anything if he wanted it to. With this realization he suddenly felt very tired. He got into the old wooden bed and got to sleep.
            The next day he left town. He saw the bard, thanked him again, and said goodbye. He saw the guard and said goodbye. He walked out of the Iron Gate and began to walk around the lake on the dusty dirt road. There were many travelers on the road which made it very crowded. Grobble pushed his way through so he could run the rest of the way home to his family, who were waiting on him in eagerness. As he passed by many people, he found that they were trying to sell many of the goods to people for double the price, in order to make a profit. He had used all of his money though, and was eager to head back home. He made his way to the front of the crowd and took off.
            Grobble made it home in the next three days. He lived inside the town of StormForest, which was known for its large diversity among its peoples. Not only humans, but Orcs, Dwarves, Elves and Faeries were allowed to colonize here too. The Faerie people were the ones who founded the mountainous town, and they eagerly invited all sorts of different people to settle in their peaceful city. The city started out huge and expansive, the first of its kind to accept all people, leading to trade and a massive economy. This also led to problems for many species. Clans of a certain race could come and learn secrets of other clans and would soon exploit them. Many Dwarven blacksmithing secrets were discovered. Elven magic became easy to find and learn. Faerie inventions were discovered and then mass produced. This led to many clans leaving and many dying off too. The town would have eventually disappeared if it were not for the gargoyle uprising. In the 456 ck a mountain lair which had been sealed off for years using some kind of arcane and archaic ritual, which used runes unknown to most species, a faerie opened the magic lock and set the race of gargoyles free to wreak havoc. Thanks to Elven magic, the mountains surrounding the lair were sealed off and the gargoyles were trapped again, but could roam free in the mountains. The gargoyles attacked StormForest, and eventually conquered the city. Now over a hundred years later, the gargoyles are a bit more civilized of a race, and now everyone in their city once again has their freedom. The year was now 587 ck and although the gargoyles have remained the rulers of the town, many people now come and go as they please, not worrying about becoming enslaved by gargoyles.
            Grobble came upon the gate and heard the guard shout as the gate opened. Grobble hurried inside, and began to make his way to the far side of town. The town was old and many of the buildings were old and falling apart. Many more had signs saying empty; no trespassing. Penalty to follow rules will result in 500 silver coin fine. Silver was the standard money in StormForest, so it was ok to put the fine in silver. If had said 50 gold coin fine, the whole town would have been outraged by the huge price of the fine, even though it is the same value. Putting a 5,000 copper fine would have seemed too cheap for anyone. Same goes for a 1,000 steel coin fine. Grobble headed down through the broken cement path, soon reaching the richer part of the city where he dodged faeries, horses and gargoyles. He got out of that section and reached his Borderhouse, which was a common sight in this town. A borderhouse was a home where many races all lived as roommates as they got along peacefully together. In Grobble’s house there lived an old dwarf who, in Dwarven years, was still very young. He had Golden-gray hair on top of his hair and a pure gray beard with gold tips lived on his chin. He had very large muscles, and many scars from his past days as a warlord.  There was a small tiny creature with unkempt hair and scrawny arms who was known as a Gnome. He had a high pitched voice that cracked as he spoke and he had a fair knowledge of magic and could cast some very interesting spells. His favorite one was to breath life into a inanimate object. His final roommate was a tall, Elven woman with some Orc blood in her. She was an expert of magic, the bow and the blade. She could handle any situation with calmness and skill.
            Grobble opened the door and walked inside. The gnome was the first to notice him.
“You are back!” He said with delight. “Did you find my book?” the gnome had large pale blue eyes that stared up at him eagerly.
            Grobble pulled off his backpack and handed him the 14th volume of enchanting and charming, the magic book which the gnome needed. The gnome had a photographic memory, and would memorize the spells completely, instead of carrying around all of those books. The gnome just wasn’t built for heavy lifting. Upon hearing the gnome shout, the Elf and the Dwarf lumbered down the stairs to greet Grobble.
            “Well what took you so long?” Grumbled the Dwarf, “I could have crawled faster to the festival than you could have ran! I was starting to think you had died. Well, I guess I better throw out that gravestone I made in memory of you. Did you get me my tools? If you didn’t I am going to clop you right in your head. You will be spinning for days, you will. You will wish that you never messed with Travok GoldenBeard.” While the Dwarf sat down and took a breath, the Elf took a chance to talk.
            “Well I am just glad that you got to prove the old man wrong. Not to be to the point, but did you get my wood? I won’t be surprised if you don’t find it. It is a pretty rare type of wood.”
            “Well,” said Grobble, “ you do not need to worry, either of you. I found all of the tools from an old dwarf, just like you.”
            “I am not OLD!” Yelled the dwarf, “I am barely past the first quarter of my life, in fact, in dwarf years, I’m younger than all of you but Ernie.”
Ernie was the small gnome. He had barely turned 15 and gnomes lived to be about 200 years old, humans lived to about 70 to 100 years old, Dwarves lived to be about 300 and elves lived about twice as long as that. However since Trara’ Deepwood (The elf of our posse.) possesses some Orc blood, her lifetime was cut down to almost half. She will probably live to be around 350 years old, which is still better than the dwarf. She is about 70 years old but elves hardly consider that any time at all.
            Grobble handed out the rest of the things he bought and showed them his magic orb. All of them were astounded. “Well this has to be the best piece of dwarven work I have ever seen!” Exclaimed the Dwarf.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Late again, Eugene!

I have no idea who Eugene is. I think I hung out with him once. In the end he was a motel serial killer, pretending to be his mother. In a related story I saw "To Kill a Mockingbird" which was put up by Davis High yesterday. It was good, except for their poor southern accents. My grandmother could have a done a better southern accent than those fools. Atticus Finch, a southern lawyer, didn't use a southern accent at all. Key word southern. My character from Nerdrealmia died. So I have a new guy that kinda looks like the guy from Avatar. He's pretty cool too, though. I mean he blasts away with undead with blinding light with his bare hands. He's also reincarnated so he's just 0 years old right now. How come we say 1 year old but we say 0 years old? That's kinda weird. Hmmm. I can't think of anything else to write about. Well I better cuz I have 1190 words due by the end of this darned week. Sounds like a job for something I've written before to put in here. Well, I'm gonna go look for something. And when I get back, there better be at least 1 comment from someone other than myself. Oh wait there is!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today and tomorrow (A.K.A. Tuesday and Wednesday,) are funky schedules in which we must attend every class that day. Here They Are:
Tue                         Wed
HR       8:10-8:25      Hr
1          8:30-9:10      1
2          9:15-9:55      5
4          10:00-10:40  6
5          10:45-11:25   8
1 lunch 11:25-11:55   1 lunch
3          12:00-12:40  7
3          11:30-12:10  7
2 lunch 12:10-12:40 2 lunch
6          12:45-1:25  2
7          1:30-12:10  3
8          2:15-2:55  4
Here is my proposed schedule. Same times though
1 lunch
2 lunch

1 lunch
2 lunch

Sunday, February 27, 2011

This week

This week I will share my 1-page story for Carter that I am about to write. At 9:34 pm. I'll probably be done around 10:30. Let's begin!
Dylan Waters
Story of Epic Proportions!
By Dylan (Blue (El (JaK Fross) Coolio) Lightning) Waters
        The bombs went off. All of our equipment went flying off our cart, into the endless sea of sand. Yes, this is Egypt. A land of little water, mummies, and lots and lots of sand. I worked part time at a small taxonomist. OF PHARAOHS! Anyhow, our cart went flying, and when I say we, I mean me, my master, (as I was his apprentice,) and me camel!
Yes, sir, were we a team. But into the good part. A new pharaoh had died. That meant work for us. But since our cart exploded, there was no time. We had to preserve him immediately. So we poured salt on him to dry him out. Then we waited 30 days in the hot, dry sun. We pulled out his brains piece by piece and then we cut out his organs. We wrapped him up tight, and then we built a pyramid real quick. We stuffed him in there and then we skedaddled back to Cairo.  I hope you enjoyed this interesting literary compository. It took me nearly 14 minutes to write my story about mummification. Also, the characters in this story are fictitious. Any relation to any person(s), living or dead is purely coincidental.
That concludes my story. My actual version had several pictures, but they were lost due to Microsoft's lameness. I am also now stuck on double space, which is really bugging me. I will transcribe a later post possibly tomorrow, but until then, mental fatigue is making my hands type the following.
Until next time, The is Jak Fross/El coolio/Blhar/Brutehorn/Kub Bopo/Blue Lightning/Gargoyle Moe/Dylan Waters, signing out.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I never knew that goblins would be my friends

At D&D, my character right now is a Human Rogue named Azaroth. He uses a sniper crossbow because that's what his job is. A sniper. Another player, whose name I cannot remember at the moment, also plays a rogue, but he uses a club to own his enemies. In the game, that character is my brother. We both got arrested and he spent his time working in the jail yard while I spent my time figuring out how to kill the jail yard gaurds. Soon we had broken out. We fled to the nearby city and hid there. Then an offer came up to protect a group of pioneer/pilgrims and start a new city in the ruins of an ancient kingdom. We also got land permits and my character's grand idea was to start a horrible crime city with me and my bro being the crime lords. The first monsters we encountered were stirges, which are like big mosquito type things that mostly attacked our horses. After a battle of rolling in the grass, I ended up with a bad case of ticks, and Azaroth sat the next battle out. This is because I forgot my character sheet.
So in the next battle, we fought goblins who wanted the herbs that some lady was digging up. Weird, I know, welcome to D&D. I had a wizard character as a back-up, so I played him for the battle. I was excited to fight goblins because they usually have some piece of treasure that they took off of some merchant they killed. But no, the merchants they were planning to kill were us, and therefore they did not have anything good on them at all. While that happened my main character, Azaroth was kidnapped by other goblins that were raiding our caravan. Fudge. The goblins however, accepted me, being a criminal and as mean as a goblin. So now I am on my way back to the caravan from the middle of the woods. With a band of goblins. I seriously mean a band. They all play different instruments. So I'll have to kill them before I get back, otherwise they'll think that I'm some kind of hobgoblin. All of my characters seem to be the same. They all kill random people because they are more evil than good. I usually don't enjoy D&D encounters very much, but this current chapter is really exciting. Usually are lives are at stake and our reward is not being executed or killed in some other brutal manner.
As I read A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickenson, I have decided to share my favorite part with you. Also how come everyone elses' blogs have comments on them but mine? Makes me feel left out and rejected. Not cool, guys. I mean, I know I'm not cool and I was told that (insert one of the variety of disgusting things that Cody says about me here.) I never knew I did any of those things. Any how, onward with my favorite piece. It is located in Chapter 2 of book 2:
"He'll be drawn on a hurdle to be half hanged, and then He'll be taken down and sliced before his own face, and then his inside will be taken out and burnt while he looks on, and then his head will be chopped off, and he'll be cut into quarters. That's the sentence." --Random man at the court case
Until next time, this is Blue Lightning, signing off to go play the drums, because that's what I enjoy doing for my life, because I have no friends, and this sentence keeps getting longer.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I love Volleyball!!! (In which I don't at all.)

         Now, Volleyball, is a very strange sport indeed. And in my opinion, it should only be played by hot babes on the beach. Because that's the only time it's cool. So, in gym, we are playing volleyball, which wouldn't be so bad if our team wasn't completely dysfunctional. Now there's BJ, (whose name has been changed to protect his identity.) and he's probably the best person on our team. Then we have an over-confident kid who thinks he should be the only one to hit the ball. One person says, "Good Job!" every time we attempt to hit the ball. Two people on our team run into eachother in their attempts to dodge the ball, because they think it's some deadly weapon out to kill them. There's a baldish kid who just stands there, and there's a girl who is so weak, that when she hits the ball, it falls faster towards the ground. But I'm not much better, but at least I don't run away from the ball. So there's my rant.
         Now, Big J, whose name has also been changed to protect his identification, recently had a dream about space pirates who fought against other space pirates. Now, I have been recruited onto his team as the mechanic. My only skill is to hit some pipes with a wrench and then say, "Yep! They're frozen!"
        This has inspired me to do something incredibly nerdy. Create my own space pirate role-playing game. Which also gives me a new tag entitled role-playing. So I might talk about that more later.
          Anyhow on Thursday the NBC shows were on. Now if you watched Community you will see that they were playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, or AD&D for short. This version of D&D came out in 1980. This was also known as 2nd edition. Now, D&D is in its 4th edition. Which is different. It now has stuff in the middle of the table, and everyone rolls their own dice. This is due to the increasing lack of imagination in people. Later I might show you of an image of an actual game of D&D. The game concept is basically the same, which is involved by rolling a twenty sided die. On the show, he had to roll at least an 18, which has only a 15% chance of happening. Now, in my own campaign, I will be applying what happened in the episode in my own adventure. Now an essay about commas:
Hello, I am going to talk about commas. Many things are important to grammar, including commas. They are very important, but many have no idea how to even use them. Many people, including you, have no idea where commas should go. Commas are used to offset interrupters, after introductory material, to join sentences, separate items in a series, and to punctuate quotes. Unripe bananas, which are bad for you to eat, can lead to health problems. “Sometimes bad bananas lead to health problems,” said a doctor somewhere. “Many animals in the ocean do not use commas or eat bananas,” spoke a speech analyst. Bananas and commas can be good for you, but overuse is not good. So in short, bananas are pretty good when they are ripe, and commas help make what you are communicating clearer to your audience. I hope that this short, introductory, interesting, encouraging and overall exciting essay has shown you the light.


A few days ago was dress up like a superhero/supervillain, which I have the best supervillain costume. Myself. Which happens to stand for:
So you just got owned. or maybe you got pwned. Or maybe even p0wnededd. Anyway I am getting pretty good at the drums, so maybe I'll give you some way to here me play some of my beats. Maybe. I'll make a longer comic to put up here, too. It will be me in my post apocalyptic life. In which me, who happens to be taking a tinkering class, (just in the comic) builds some cool robots with this big guy, and we fight off random stuff. It features lazers, penguins, nuclear missiles, sniper rifles, assault rifles, and just normal rifles. Exploding pandas and mutated lizard men are also contained in the action-packed sci-fi horror. Just to let you know, the comic will be at the end. but first, another section of my story from November.
A fiery dagger, the orb turned into a flaming dagger with spikes. “This is amazing!” He shouted, “Absolutely amazing!”
            Then he tried a shield. It turned into a shield. He turned a coat of chainmail and the orb morphed into a suit of chainmail. He jumped up and down in his excitement. He tried thinking of other weapons. A chair could be a weapon he thought. The orb turned into a chair. This made him realize that anything could essentially be a weapon. That meant that the orb would turn into anything if he wanted it to. With this realization he suddenly felt very tired. He got into the old wooden bed and got to sleep.
            The next day he left town. He saw the bard, thanked him again, and said goodbye. He saw the guard and said goodbye. He walked out of the Iron Gate and began to walk around the lake on the dusty dirt road. There were many travelers on the road which made it very crowded. Grobble pushed his way through so he could run the rest of the way home to his family, who were waiting on him in eagerness. As he passed by many people, he found that they were trying to sell many of the goods to people for double the price, in order to make a profit. He had used all of his money though, and was eager to head back home. He made his way to the front of the crowd and took off.
            Grobble made it home in the next three days. He lived inside the town of StormForest, which was known for its large diversity among its peoples. Not only humans, but Orcs, Dwarves, Elves and Faeries were allowed to colonize here too. The Faerie people were the ones who founded the mountainous town, and they eagerly invited all sorts of different people to settle in their peaceful city. The city started out huge and expansive, the first of its kind to accept all people, leading to trade and a massive economy. This also led to problems for many species. Clans of a certain race could come and learn secrets of other clans and would soon exploit them. Many Dwarven blacksmithing secrets were discovered. Elven magic became easy to find and learn. Faerie inventions were discovered and then mass produced. This led to many clans leaving and many dying off too. The town would have eventually disappeared if it were not for the gargoyle uprising. In the 456 ck a mountain lair which had been sealed off for years using some kind of arcane and archaic ritual, which used runes unknown to most species, a faerie opened the magic lock and set the race of gargoyles free to wreak havoc. Thanks to Elven magic, the mountains surrounding the lair were sealed off and the gargoyles were trapped again, but could roam free in the mountains. The gargoyles attacked StormForest, and eventually conquered the city. Now over a hundred years later, the gargoyles are a bit more civilized of a race, and now everyone in their city once again has their freedom. The year was now 587 ck and although the gargoyles have remained the rulers of the town, many people now come and go as they please, not worrying about becoming enslaved by gargoyles.
            Grobble came upon the gate and heard the guard shout as the gate opened. Grobble hurried inside, and began to make his way to the far side of town. The town was old and many of the buildings were old and falling apart. Many more had signs saying empty; no trespassing. Penalty to follow rules will result in 500 silver coin fine. Silver was the standard money in StormForest, so it was ok to put the fine in silver. If had said 50 gold coin fine, the whole town would have been outraged by the huge price of the fine, even though it is the same value. Putting a 5,000 copper fine would have seemed too cheap for anyone. Same goes for a 1,000 steel coin fine. Grobble headed down through the broken cement path, soon reaching the richer part of the city where he dodged faeries, horses and gargoyles. He got out of that section and reached his Borderhouse, which was a common sight in this town. A borderhouse was a home where many races all lived as roommates as they got along peacefully together. In Grobble’s house there lived an old dwarf who, in Dwarven years, was still very young. He had Golden-gray hair on top of his hair and a pure gray beard with gold tips lived on his chin. He had very large muscles, and many scars from his past days as a warlord.  There was a small tiny creature with unkempt hair and scrawny arms who was known as a Gnome. He had a high pitched voice that cracked as he spoke and he had a fair knowledge of magic and could cast some very interesting spells. His favorite one was to breath life into a inanimate object. His final roommate was a tall, Elven woman with some Orc blood in her. She was an expert of magic, the bow and the blade. She could handle any situation with calmness and skill.
            Grobble opened the door and walked inside. The gnome was the first to notice him.
“You are back!” He said with delight. “Did you find my book?” the gnome had large pale blue eyes that stared up at him eagerly.
            Grobble pulled off his backpack and handed him the 14th volume of enchanting and charming, the magic book which the gnome needed. The gnome had a photographic memory, and would memorize the spells completely, instead of carrying around all of those books. The gnome just wasn’t built for heavy lifting. Upon hearing the gnome shout, the Elf and the Dwarf lumbered down the stairs to greet Grobble.
            “Well what took you so long?” Grumbled the Dwarf, “I could have crawled faster to the festival than you could have ran! I was starting to think you had died. Well, I guess I better throw out that gravestone I made in memory of you. Did you get me my tools? If you didn’t I am going to clop you right in your head. You will be spinning for days, you will. You will wish that you never messed with Travok GoldenBeard.” While the Dwarf sat down and took a breath, the Elf took a chance to talk.
            “Well I am just glad that you got to prove the old man wrong. Not to be to the point, but did you get my wood? I won’t be surprised if you don’t find it. It is a pretty rare type of wood.”
            “Well,” said Grobble, “ you do not need to worry, either of you. I found all of the tools from an old dwarf, just like you.”

So until next time, this is Blue Lightning, signing off.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yeah, um...

So, yeah, sorry about that really depressio post last time. That was stupid. So I apologize for that. But any way, I am behind, so I will let you all read another part of my story from November.
The two kinds of people were the honest, excited, trustworthy people seeking to get a good deal or find an amazing treasure that he could display with pride throughout his entire life, Giant fish, beast’s heads, and the most impressive parts of creatures such as tails, arms, or legs. The festival of IceMill also attracted thieves who were looking to swipe as many varieties of goodies and hide them in a patchwork burlap bag. Some thieves guilds have contests at these types of festivals, and some of their recruiting agents are specifically looking for individuals who can not only steal a lot of stuff without getting caught, but also making it out of the village gates without getting searched. The quickest way to do this would be to climb the wall, but that is a bit hard with a heavy bag in one hand, and to climb a twenty foot wall without getting noticed is a challenge in itself.
Guards know of this, and so seeing a man with drenched patched clothes and heaving attracted their attention.
“Oy, Guv’” shouted one of the men “what on earth are you doing? You come into this town during the most prized season of the decade, and you look like a fool, a soaked and wet fool! N’ to top it all off, you nod all calmly to us as you just walk on by. You ‘etter have a good reason for coming in like a fool, or else I’ll ‘ave to clop yuh’! Hur, hur, hur!”
Grobble cleared his throat and began to speak “I am Grobble, son of Oaken who is son of Thyrmir, who is son of---“
“I do not care who yer’ granddaddy’s name is you fool! I just care why you’re in my town looking like you got mugged by fishmen!” Screamed the guard.
“If I told you that that was true, would you believe me?” Grobble smiled a toothy grin.
The fat guard became furious and his face went from red to a deep purple. “NO! I would NOT believe that, unless the Daily Dragon newspaper said men were being attacked by fish people. I can assure you, there are NO SUCH THINGS AS FISH PEOPLE!”
Grobble tried in vain to calm him down “Look, I did not want to miss the festival, so I swam the lake. I am sorry I made you so mad.”
The man settled down almost instantly “Well why did you not say so, mate? Have a glass of whiskey and a towel.”
After his drink and his towel he was warmed up. But there were only a few hours left of the festival and Grobble began to panic. Then a man with a friendly face and a straw hat came up. He was carrying a lute.
“Well hello, my friend!” He said cheerfully “Allow me to be your guide and take you to the best spots in town, so you do not waste any of your precious time. Although I would like a small contribution of five silver pieces, or one of the old ones with the holes in middle!”
Grobble reached into his pocket and pulled out five dull silver coins. The bard bit them all to check if they were fake then shook Grobble’s hand. Grobble’s hand was cold and hard like a stone while the Bards was frail and small for a man.
“Fancy meeting you mate! My name is Talak Thundersnap and my father Grim, was the most famous bard in this part of the country.”
“I am Grobble Tearslaughter, who came from the Dwarven town of GeerRake to see if I could catch a glimpse of the festival. I’ve been running all week just to see it.”
“Well it was a wise decision to come out here. Here, let me show you around.” Spoke the bard and away they went.
They stopped at the very best pie stands, fish markets, magic shows and caravans. By the end Grobble had only a few steel coins left. That was when a jester approached them. He wore a jester’s hat that came to two points that was purple and green with gold bells. The rest of his clothes were red and blue with some black with silver bells. His shoes were green and pointed, and they twisted back toward his heel. His voice cracked as he spoke, and he sounded at least twenty years older than he looked. He tried to sound with the youth and optimism of a young jester, but had a very difficult time doing so. He seemed very out of place among all of these peasants and merchants.
“Well hello there! My name is Gera-ar, and I come from the mountains in the north, hence the –Ar. Ha ha! That makes me sound like pirate! Ay, but I got what you want, mate. You see, I’m old. You can tell from my voice. But I do not look old at all, see? No wrinkles! I have been using magic for the last twenty-two years to keep my youth about me. Now I am retiring. Now I can tell you only want the best of the best, no? Well I tell you what. I will give you this orb for 3 coins of any type. You must accept before I will give it to you. That is the deal. Now for my trick to work you must tell me, do you accept, or do you decline?”
Grobble thought for a moment, pinning the pros against the cons. Finally, after several moments, he spoke. “I accept, and will give you these 3 steel coins.” He handed him the money.
“Steel, huh? Well that is an interesting choice.” The jester spoke. He pushed the steel coins into 3 slots in the orb then cast a quick spell, Mumbled something, and handed Grobble the orb. “Hold the orb and think of a weapon, be as specific or as general as you like, and it will turn into it in your hand. Not only that, but it can also turn into any kind of armor or shield, but it cannot be more than one thing at once!”
Grobble’s hairy chin hung open. “Th-this is amazing!” He sputtered! “I could never afford anything like this, though.”
“Oh it’s free of charge. It is getting late, and the burden of having too many magical items, instruments, tools and weapons has really gotten me down.” The jester coughed a few times. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I really must lie down.” With that the jester clapped his hands twice and a caravan covered in cloth just like the jester’s appeared in a puff of purple smoke. The jester clambered in, his face expressionless, clapped his hands twice, and was gone, leaving both the bard and Grobble astonished and bewildered.
A couple of minutes later, the bard showed him to the best cheap inn he knew of. It really was good for a cheap inn. It had actual beds! Grobble went inside to talk to the innkeeper. He was fat, and looked extremely tired, just like the guards. He had pudgy, wet hands, and a dirty, uncombed mustache that appeared to have looked like something at one point. He swayed in his chair, and was obviously drunk.
“Whysh Hellosh!” He sputtered. “I’msh the Innshkeep! SOME FESHTIVAL, HUH?! I’ve beensh having loadsh of time fun! Er, I meansh fun timesh. Or do I meansh time funsh? I dunno’. You can havesh yourshelf a room for twos a copper!”
Grobble handed him the money, thanked him, and when the innkeeper finally figured out which of the keys were the right one (There were five, but the innkeeper saw 30.) Grobble went to his room and decided to try out his new orb of power. First he tried a simple thing. Long sword he thought and the orb turned into a basic, steel colored long sword. He tried a few more things, mace, club, flail and all of them came out a basic steel color. He remembered the jester saying he could think of anything specific, too. He thought of a golden sword, the orb changed to a golden sword.
Well, yep until next term, this is Dylan Waters, I mean Blue Lightning, going to play drums.