So you just got owned. or maybe you got pwned. Or maybe even p0wnededd. Anyway I am getting pretty good at the drums, so maybe I'll give you some way to here me play some of my beats. Maybe. I'll make a longer comic to put up here, too. It will be me in my post apocalyptic life. In which me, who happens to be taking a tinkering class, (just in the comic) builds some cool robots with this big guy, and we fight off random stuff. It features lazers, penguins, nuclear missiles, sniper rifles, assault rifles, and just normal rifles. Exploding pandas and mutated lizard men are also contained in the action-packed sci-fi horror. Just to let you know, the comic will be at the end. but first, another section of my story from November.
A fiery dagger, the orb turned into a flaming dagger with spikes. “This is amazing!” He shouted, “Absolutely amazing!”
Then he tried a shield. It turned into a shield. He turned a coat of chainmail and the orb morphed into a suit of chainmail. He jumped up and down in his excitement. He tried thinking of other weapons. A chair could be a weapon he thought. The orb turned into a chair. This made him realize that anything could essentially be a weapon. That meant that the orb would turn into anything if he wanted it to. With this realization he suddenly felt very tired. He got into the old wooden bed and got to sleep.
The next day he left town. He saw the bard, thanked him again, and said goodbye. He saw the guard and said goodbye. He walked out of the Iron Gate and began to walk around the lake on the dusty dirt road. There were many travelers on the road which made it very crowded. Grobble pushed his way through so he could run the rest of the way home to his family, who were waiting on him in eagerness. As he passed by many people, he found that they were trying to sell many of the goods to people for double the price, in order to make a profit. He had used all of his money though, and was eager to head back home. He made his way to the front of the crowd and took off.
Grobble made it home in the next three days. He lived inside the town of StormForest, which was known for its large diversity among its peoples. Not only humans, but Orcs, Dwarves, Elves and Faeries were allowed to colonize here too. The Faerie people were the ones who founded the mountainous town, and they eagerly invited all sorts of different people to settle in their peaceful city. The city started out huge and expansive, the first of its kind to accept all people, leading to trade and a massive economy. This also led to problems for many species. Clans of a certain race could come and learn secrets of other clans and would soon exploit them. Many Dwarven blacksmithing secrets were discovered. Elven magic became easy to find and learn. Faerie inventions were discovered and then mass produced. This led to many clans leaving and many dying off too. The town would have eventually disappeared if it were not for the gargoyle uprising. In the 456 ck a mountain lair which had been sealed off for years using some kind of arcane and archaic ritual, which used runes unknown to most species, a faerie opened the magic lock and set the race of gargoyles free to wreak havoc. Thanks to Elven magic, the mountains surrounding the lair were sealed off and the gargoyles were trapped again, but could roam free in the mountains. The gargoyles attacked StormForest, and eventually conquered the city. Now over a hundred years later, the gargoyles are a bit more civilized of a race, and now everyone in their city once again has their freedom. The year was now 587 ck and although the gargoyles have remained the rulers of the town, many people now come and go as they please, not worrying about becoming enslaved by gargoyles.
Grobble came upon the gate and heard the guard shout as the gate opened. Grobble hurried inside, and began to make his way to the far side of town. The town was old and many of the buildings were old and falling apart. Many more had signs saying empty; no trespassing. Penalty to follow rules will result in 500 silver coin fine. Silver was the standard money in StormForest, so it was ok to put the fine in silver. If had said 50 gold coin fine, the whole town would have been outraged by the huge price of the fine, even though it is the same value. Putting a 5,000 copper fine would have seemed too cheap for anyone. Same goes for a 1,000 steel coin fine. Grobble headed down through the broken cement path, soon reaching the richer part of the city where he dodged faeries, horses and gargoyles. He got out of that section and reached his Borderhouse, which was a common sight in this town. A borderhouse was a home where many races all lived as roommates as they got along peacefully together. In Grobble’s house there lived an old dwarf who, in Dwarven years, was still very young. He had Golden-gray hair on top of his hair and a pure gray beard with gold tips lived on his chin. He had very large muscles, and many scars from his past days as a warlord. There was a small tiny creature with unkempt hair and scrawny arms who was known as a Gnome. He had a high pitched voice that cracked as he spoke and he had a fair knowledge of magic and could cast some very interesting spells. His favorite one was to breath life into a inanimate object. His final roommate was a tall, Elven woman with some Orc blood in her. She was an expert of magic, the bow and the blade. She could handle any situation with calmness and skill.
Grobble opened the door and walked inside. The gnome was the first to notice him.
“You are back!” He said with delight. “Did you find my book?” the gnome had large pale blue eyes that stared up at him eagerly.
Grobble pulled off his backpack and handed him the 14th volume of enchanting and charming, the magic book which the gnome needed. The gnome had a photographic memory, and would memorize the spells completely, instead of carrying around all of those books. The gnome just wasn’t built for heavy lifting. Upon hearing the gnome shout, the Elf and the Dwarf lumbered down the stairs to greet Grobble.
“Well what took you so long?” Grumbled the Dwarf, “I could have crawled faster to the festival than you could have ran! I was starting to think you had died. Well, I guess I better throw out that gravestone I made in memory of you. Did you get me my tools? If you didn’t I am going to clop you right in your head. You will be spinning for days, you will. You will wish that you never messed with Travok GoldenBeard.” While the Dwarf sat down and took a breath, the Elf took a chance to talk.
“Well I am just glad that you got to prove the old man wrong. Not to be to the point, but did you get my wood? I won’t be surprised if you don’t find it. It is a pretty rare type of wood.”
“Well,” said Grobble, “ you do not need to worry, either of you. I found all of the tools from an old dwarf, just like you.”
So until next time, this is Blue Lightning, signing off.
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