Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I never knew that goblins would be my friends

At D&D, my character right now is a Human Rogue named Azaroth. He uses a sniper crossbow because that's what his job is. A sniper. Another player, whose name I cannot remember at the moment, also plays a rogue, but he uses a club to own his enemies. In the game, that character is my brother. We both got arrested and he spent his time working in the jail yard while I spent my time figuring out how to kill the jail yard gaurds. Soon we had broken out. We fled to the nearby city and hid there. Then an offer came up to protect a group of pioneer/pilgrims and start a new city in the ruins of an ancient kingdom. We also got land permits and my character's grand idea was to start a horrible crime city with me and my bro being the crime lords. The first monsters we encountered were stirges, which are like big mosquito type things that mostly attacked our horses. After a battle of rolling in the grass, I ended up with a bad case of ticks, and Azaroth sat the next battle out. This is because I forgot my character sheet.
So in the next battle, we fought goblins who wanted the herbs that some lady was digging up. Weird, I know, welcome to D&D. I had a wizard character as a back-up, so I played him for the battle. I was excited to fight goblins because they usually have some piece of treasure that they took off of some merchant they killed. But no, the merchants they were planning to kill were us, and therefore they did not have anything good on them at all. While that happened my main character, Azaroth was kidnapped by other goblins that were raiding our caravan. Fudge. The goblins however, accepted me, being a criminal and as mean as a goblin. So now I am on my way back to the caravan from the middle of the woods. With a band of goblins. I seriously mean a band. They all play different instruments. So I'll have to kill them before I get back, otherwise they'll think that I'm some kind of hobgoblin. All of my characters seem to be the same. They all kill random people because they are more evil than good. I usually don't enjoy D&D encounters very much, but this current chapter is really exciting. Usually are lives are at stake and our reward is not being executed or killed in some other brutal manner.
As I read A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickenson, I have decided to share my favorite part with you. Also how come everyone elses' blogs have comments on them but mine? Makes me feel left out and rejected. Not cool, guys. I mean, I know I'm not cool and I was told that (insert one of the variety of disgusting things that Cody says about me here.) I never knew I did any of those things. Any how, onward with my favorite piece. It is located in Chapter 2 of book 2:
"He'll be drawn on a hurdle to be half hanged, and then He'll be taken down and sliced before his own face, and then his inside will be taken out and burnt while he looks on, and then his head will be chopped off, and he'll be cut into quarters. That's the sentence." --Random man at the court case
Until next time, this is Blue Lightning, signing off to go play the drums, because that's what I enjoy doing for my life, because I have no friends, and this sentence keeps getting longer.

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